"Are you okay?"

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I don't get it.
Shouldn't I have gotten at least a thank you? Whatever, it's not like she hasn't been ignoring me for months now. I only ever receive a text from her when she need's something. I should be used to it by now.

Thats the thing though, I shouldn't be.

Today mark's our 5th anniversary. We met on a rooftop 5 year's ago, it almost feel's like yesterday.

My favorite coping mechanism back then was parkour, so I ran to my most favorite and nearest rooftop. It was like a Kdrama almost, and I found her crying on a bench. It was around 8pm and I needed to let out some anger. It was dangerous but back then any sign of common sense in my head completely disappeared, like, completely. I put my headphones in and decided to run some laps for a warm up. I noticed a body figure on a bench, but I didn't think anything of it. Then, I somehow tripped and managed to land right in front of her. We kinda just looked into each other's eyes and noticed how we were both crying, so we both asked each other.

"Are you okay?"

MetanoiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon