8 Dark Sides To Disney Stories

Start from the beginning

4. Disney's "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio is an animated wooden puppet that must prove himself worthy of becoming a real boy through experience, and is aided by the conscience guide Jiminy Cricket. Although being misled numerous times by a fox and cat to a puppet show and Pleasure Island, he is saved by the Blue Fairy. He then hears of his "Father" Geppetto's imprisonment in a whale, gives his life to save him, and is reanimated as a real boy for proving his worth.

Compared to Carlo Collodi's "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

Pinocchio actually kills the talking Cricket right away, the Cricket's ghost comes back thoughout the story to be his conscience. The cat and fox try to rob him, and Pinocchio bites off the cat's hand. They try to unsuccessfully hang him until the Blue Fairy, who is actually a dead woman, saves him. He learns of Geppetto's imprisionment in a Terrible Shark, but doesn't try to save him right away. He goes on a few more adventures until he goes to Toyland, where he and his friend Lampwick turn into donkeys. A drummer tries to drown Pinocchio for his hide until he turns into a puppet again because fish ate his donkey flesh. He is then swallowed by the Terrible Shark and saves Geppetto. He finds the cat and fox are now beggars, the cat is blind and the fox is lame. Later he finds his friend Lampwick had been worked to death at a farm. Pinochio still turns into a real boy at the end though, so I mean, I guess it's a happy ending.

5. Disney's "The Little Mermaid"

The villain sea-witch Ursula’s plan to take over Atlantica is foiled when she is killed by Prince Eric. Ariel’s father turns her back into a human after her spell wore off from Ursula’s deal so she can live with Eric. Ariel gets married to him and lives happily ever after.

Compared to Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Marmaid"

The Little Mermaid becomes human from the Sea Witch's potion, but if she does not marry the Prince, she will die and dissolve into sea foam like all mermaids since they don't have souls. The Prince marries another woman before she can woo him. Her sisters give her a dagger from the Sea Witch to kill the prince and use his blood on her feet to turn back into a mermaid. She loves him too much to do this and dies, but instead of turning into foam, becomes a spirit because of her good deed.

6.  Disney's "Hercules"

Hercules defeats the God of the Underworld and nemesis Hades and ruins his attempt to rule over Olympia, but at the cost of his love Megara’s life. She dies, but he saves her soul from the underworld and traps Hades there. Due to this great deed, he is rewarded by becoming a God, but rejects the title to stay on Earth with Meg.

Compared to the Greek Myth of "Heracles"

Hercules, or rather Heracles, is really the nemesis of Hera, his father Zeus’ wife, but she is not his mother. Because he was born from another woman, Hera makes his life miserable, eventually driving him crazy and to murder his wife Megara (who was actually a princess) and all 4 of his children. He regrets this so much he suffers 12 trails to redeem himself. He goes on to have many more marriages, children, and adventures.

7. Disney's "The Hunchback ofnotre Dame"

The villain, Frollo, is killed after the deformed bell-ringer Quasimodo saves the heroine gypsy Esmeralda from her execution ordered by Frollo for being a temptress. She lives happily ever after with the Captain of the Guard Phoebus. Quasimodo is finally accepted into society despite his deformities.

Compared to Victor Hugo's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"

Esmeralda falls in love with Phoebus, but he is already engaged. She is sentenced to death by Frollo when he frames her for an attack on Phoebus, which Frollo actually committed in jealousy of Esmeralda’s love. Quasimodo kills Frollo for laughing during Esmeralda’s death by hanging. He then lays next to her body until he starves to death.

8. Disney's 'The Fox and the Hound"

The fox Tod is being chased by a hunter and his hound Copper, whom Tod befriended as a child. Even after Tod saves both the hunter and Copper from a bear attack, the hunter eventually pins him down to shoot him. Copper stands between them, protecting his friend. The hunter backs down, Tod is free to live with his mate Vixey, and Copper continues to live with his master.

Compared to Daniel P. Mannix's "The Fox and the Hound"

Tod accidentally causes a hunting dog’s death, who was the hunter’s favorite dog. The hunter then trains his other dog Copper to hunt only Tod. Tod always manages to escape them, however the hunter was successful in killing two sets of Tod’s mates and children. Copper is ordered to pursue Tod unmercifully. Tod, who is aging, eventually collapses from exhaustion and dies. After a few years the hunter is convinced to retire to a nursing home, and remorsefully decides to put down Copper using his shotgun.

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