Chapter 3: Meeting Antonio

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I'm guessing you have questions? Yeah, isthehouselaivewhatpartyisgoingontodaydoyouwantmetoleaveorcanistayandhelpplanwhoisantoniowhatisthepartyfor? You quickly said stumbling over your words. First off yes the Casita is alive, Antonio is my cousin and he's having a party for his powers, you can stay and help plan the more the merrier! Mirabel answered. We went upstairs and were gonna put candles out for the Madrigal family members when I needed to go to the bathroom, she showed me where it was and kept fixing the candles. I heard yelling while washing my hands and decided to wait it out, I came out when the yelling stopped . I saw Mirabel holding a burnt piece of fabric I called her name and she looked at me and sadly smiled, I asked what happened and she told me. She said that we should go find Antonio and I reluctantly agreed. She led me to a room and sat on the bed I decided to stay standing, she pulled open a drawer and grabbed a present dangling it over the edge of the bed. She said it was gonna explode and someone quickly grabbed it. She went under the bed and I decided to peek my head under it and surprise enough there she was with a kid I'm guessing was Antonio. He opened the present and I saw a tiger. I decided to explore the room and give them a little privacy to talk. I saw many crafting things and yarn, I also saw a sewing machine so I'm guessing she sews her own clothes or sews things onto them like the butterfly and rainbow on her dress/skirt. While I was looking around they came out from under the bed and I saw that they both looked happy now. The floorboards moved a alarm clock over to them and they said it was time to go. She said that I could get toher clothes on and meet her here again if I wanted to I agreed and started walking downstairs when I saw a brown rat crawl across the floor and go down the hall. I decided to not chase it since I needed to get dressed quickly. I walked outside and down the hill to my house. I went inside and took my shoes off and started to walk to my room. I quickly got there and walked over to my closet and opened it looking at my options.

402 words

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