Heather from Heather's POV

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I still remember, third of December, her in your sweater

It looked so much better, on her than it does me

But you're too blind to see, that she's just a pretty

But I watch her eyes as you

Walk by,

You gaze right through her dull eyes,

Sadder than the night sky

You've left her memorized, while I cry

Why did you have to kiss me?

When you knew that she would see?

You gave me your sweater, I hate polyester

But she likes it better

So make her your Heather

She watches you stand here, holding my hand

Get your arm off my shoulder, her hearts getting colder

If only I'd told you, I don't feel the same

And now it's my fault she wished she was dead. As she

Walks by, you gaze right through her dull eyes

Sadder than the night sky

You've left her memorized

While I cry

Why did you have to kiss me?

You know she's just as pretty

You gave me your sweater, I hate polyester

But she likes it better

So make her your Heather

So make her your heather

(Oh, oh)

Make her your Heather...

Why did you have to kiss me?

When you knew that she would see?

Just give her your sweater, she likes it better

Make her your Heather.


So, fun fact! I wrote this a few weeks back, and when I finished I realized that it WAS DECEMBER THIRD. It was an interesting coincidence. And a picture as proof. <3


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