"Better." He said relieved as he sat down at the table they were currently working at. "I actually felt relaxed. How about you"? He said as he took a drink of his water

"That's good, and I slept fine last night, thanks". She gave him a quick smile but avoided eye contact. She looked back over to El who was still thoroughly mixing and had a face that only he can read.

He knew there was something off, something she's not telling him. He wanted to be the one she comes to whenever there was a problem, he wanted to feel trusted by her. And her not telling him something makes him think he did something wrong. Which was far from the truth. "Are you sure you slept fine"?

"Yeah" She said quickly without eye contact which meant something was going on or something is bothering her. He kept an eye on her while she continued to help El make the pancake's. He used this as a window to get closer to Joyce like he wanted to do so since they got him back from Russia, he can't ever say thank you enough for that.

When pancakes were done and everyone was sitting at the table, the topic about going back to work got brought up, Hopper seemed the main one excited to find a permanent job here in California. Not knowing many things about the town they live in, he would need some help navigating his way around. Which Joyce offered to help obviously.

Joyce suggested the police station close to here, knowing how much Hopper loved his job from before. He kept that in mind being his main option but also wanting to explore more. Joyce was not as excited about going back to work, Because she's not necessarily doing something she enjoys doing. She works at Pretty large market with good pay and decent hours but she's just bored, wishing she was doing something different but this is the best she could get, or that's what she limits herself on for some reason.

The Morning went by quick and so did the day, most of it was spent watching T.V and having small meaningless conversations but thankful with every moment they get with Hopper. Soon enough it was time for bed and the kids carried on to their room after saying their 'I love You's' and 'goodnights'. Which left Joyce and Hopper all alone on the couch. Joyce had her legs curled up with a blanket over them and Hopper was sitting at the other end of the couch. He takes short glances at her which she could see from the corner of her eye.

After months of waiting for each other nothing has happened. Too much stuff has gone on and their minds are still racing with bad thoughts. But they know what it feels like to like someone and to have that connection and shared trauma like Murray says. That spark will always be there, and everyone can see it. Joyce had always thought of Hopper as a bear because of how much taller he is than her, his warm and fully embraced hugs is what she most enjoys about him. He takes care of her and makes sure she's okay all the time. She appreciates him so much and she doesn't know how to prove that to him

Then this gut wrenching feeling she has in her stomach warns her about new relationships, "They're never going to last", "he's too good for you", "he's going to leave me". Thoughts she has regularly in every relationship, and she doesn't want to seem needy whenever she asks for reassurance. At this point she gives up on relationships, she's either overthinking or she has picked a guy that treats her like shit.


It was about an hour since the kids went to bed and it wasn't late but Joyce decided to head off to her bedroom. Hopper stopped her before she could leave the living room.

"Hey, I actually wanted to talk to you today." He reveals as his whole body was towards hers while remaining on the couch

Joyce turns back and sits on the couch "What's up? Is everything okay?"

"I'm not sure. I don't want to force you into talking to me about anything because I know your totally obligated to keeping stuff to yourself but if I could make anything better I would want you to tell me". He starred into her, letting her know that what he is saying is true. She stared at him in complete admiration for him. "Whatever is going on, I want to fix it. I want you and your family to feel safe. I want you to feel safer when I'm here. I want you to trust me".

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