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I published a bit early. This took a while to write and I think it's because this was way different than the original A M O R T E N T I A chapter. I'm all about tension now.

Without further adieu,

I present to you...


lucille granger

Okay, maybe stepping out of my comfort zone on the first night back was a mistake.

I had a pounding headache that spread across my forehead. Onyx and her venting only made it worse.

"So I told Blaise that we couldn't keep sleeping with each other unless he admits he wants to be in a relationship!"

"Mhm," I said flatly, rubbing my temples. We hurriedly walked to class with a hangover and the dreading fear of vomiting. There were hardly any vacant seats, so we were subjected to a table near the front of the class. "Next time, no more drinking on school nights."

"Already in that mindset," Onyx groaned.

"It wouldn't hurt if you confessed how you truly felt about him," I added.

She scoffed. "I don't feel anything special."

"Okay, Onyx," I spoke with condescension. I knew when this girl was lying. This was one of those moments. "Do you remember anything last night? I swear the only thing that's not so much as a blur to me is the part where I took a second hit."

Onyx smirked. "You seriously don't remember anything else?"

Her smirk threw me off the charts. "What... happened?"

Her eyes rolled off of me and diverted their attention behind me.

"Why don't you ask the men approaching?" she teased. I took a quick glance behind me to see Lorenzo and Blaise walking towards our table.

"What happened last night?" I queried. Lorenzo let out an awkward chuckle as he took a seat across me, while Blaise sat next to me. "Does everyone remember but me?"

"Evidently," Blaise started, "You wouldn't be asking if you remember."

"Oh, thank you, Blaise! I had no idea I was asking because I didn't remember!" I dismissed his attempt at being smart with me, as he grunted in defeat. "Anyone care to explain why everyone is awkward? I've got Onyx smirking and I've got Lorenzo coughing with a smile."

"So," Lorenzo elongated, "You and I touched lips. A tongue or two as well."

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh?"


Onyx watched this play out in awe. "Was it good, Lucille?"

"You're asking me as if I remember," I replied. "How did—. How did that even occur?"

"I dunno. All I know is that we both consented. You don't hate me, right?" Lorenzo leaned in towards the table with worried eyes.

I softly chuckled and shook my head. "No, I couldn't hate you. Besides, as you said, we both consented. Not a big deal."

As the classroom settles down, Draco makes an entrance. He scans the room and notices our table. At the quick movement, he heads towards us.

Is there anywhere else he can sit?

"Good morning," he says flatly, taking a seat next to Onyx. The rest of them greet him back. I choose not to.

I just know in my heart that he was nowhere near nice to me last night. I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Filthy ; DM + LB ; 2024 RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now