Chapter 17

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I'm speechless. There is something about his tone that makes me nervous and scared at the same time. Vander's always wanting to get the best of you before he goes for it. He's someone who wants you to get into your weakest moment before you can comprehend who you're talking to. The pounding in my head is getting stronger by the minute, so I flinch. Ace places a steady hand on my shoulder. I spot my mom hiding in the shadows behind him with a horrified expression. Surprisingly she speaks up, "Vander, you can't kill my daughter no matter what happens. She's stronger than you know," she says, breathing heavily.

Vander laughs.

"Lai, your daughter's weaker than a feather. You know that she's worthless. I don't even know how you could love such a fool," he says coldly.

My mom flinches but keeps herself firm when she says, " Vander, you're the most predictable thing in the world. The COI knows that you're here because I informed them before my capture. They will put you to death for your crimes."

Just then, twenty to almost thirty people break through the door of the cabin. They're all in Midnighter gear with Alkura blades shining a bright blue. Their expressions are unreadable. One of them speaks up, "By the orders of the COI, we have come to the rescue of Lai Swiftblood," Two of them step up to Vander and put some sort of material around his wrists. I ran to my mom. She hugs me tight and then pulls away gripping my shoulders.

"Avery, I never wanted you to come here and not to even know about the Midnighters. I kept you safe for many years and I couldn't stop you from coming here, therefore I knew you would escape. Therefore, all is forgiven. But there's nothing you can do to stop Vander. He'll come for you. I just know it," she says and takes out a bottle filled with some liquid and drinks it. She goes limp and disappears in a puff of smoke.

"Mom!" I scream tears falling down my face like waterfalls. Vander smirks and laughs.

"All this time I knew that this would happen. Avery, you failed the COI. Such a bloody fool. Now my plan shall go on!" he says and disappears the same way my mom did. Everyone gasps.

Ace's arms go around me, pulling me close to him. The pain in my head grows so strong that everything goes black as I fall to the ground. 

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