Do Princes Really Keep Their Promises?

Start from the beginning

"Unfortunately, things aren't always so gracious here. But trust me, Zuko knows not to push too hard. Now, come, child. We can start another game inside where we don't have to worry about our game being disturbed." Iroh invites, and I shook my head.

"I want to stay and watch if that's okay."

"If that's what you wish. But I'm going to keep playing." I gave the jolly man a bow as a couple soldiers followed him inside.

My attention was once more on Zuko and his sparring partner. During the time I wasn't paying attention, Zuko had bested three others. He had two soldiers left to spar with but I decided it was time for me to step in.

"Prince Zuko, I do believe it's my turn," he turns to face me as I finish tying up my wavy hair.

"Um.. are you sure? Your injuries.." he trails off with wide eyes, making my lips upturn slightly. Maybe he does care?

"Don't worry, I'm feeling pretty good!" I laugh.

"I wasn't worried." He snaps and I look down for a moment. Or maybe not..

Looking up, I force the smile back onto my face and I step forward. "Well?" I tease.

"Well, I suppose we can fight so I can wipe that dumb smile off your face." He begins to circle around me menacingly.

"Is that a threat, Prince Zuko?" I ask as I pulled my fans from my sides.

"No, it's a promise."

And with that, he lunges at me with his fist pulled back. I easily stepped to the side, letting him crash to the ground.

With a growl, he leaps back onto his feet—shooting fire at me over and over again, to which I easily sidestepped. Spinning around each blast before it could land on me, it became a dance.

"Stop evading, you coward!" He yowls and I giggled. But I knew he was right. I'd get tired soon and I needed to strike fast.

Zuko sends another blast my way and this time I backflipped over it and landed in front of him. His fist was flying towards me, sparks flying, and I managed to catch his fist in between my fans. Pulling towards myself, I was in his red face—though I couldn't tell if the redness was from embarrassment or anger.

"What was this about a promise?" I tease before using his momentum to bring him crashing to the floor of the ship.

He launches himself to his feet and charged at me again, but this time I wasn't ready. The fire released from his fist and came barreling towards me.

Barely managing to grip onto my glider, I twirled it around in a clumsy attempt to stop the approaching flames—and it worked, but I was thrown into the railing of the ship, sinking to the floor.

"I keep my promises." He smirks looking over me, almost making my mouth drop open.

In response, I swept his legs out from under him and jumped onto the railing. As he stumbled to his feet, I launch myself over and landed quietly behind him. He knew I was there, but I was too quick and managed to push him back with my bending. Right into the railing I was just knocked into.

The prince huffed as the air was knocked out of him, dropping to his knees.

He stared at me with a burning fire in his amber eyes and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

"I've been told I take people's breath away." With a laugh I reach out my hand to the prince. To my surprise he took it, offering me the tiniest of smiles—making my heart soar.

I look down to our joined hands in confusion. He hadn't let go. At this realization my face flushed instantly and I look up to Zuko to see him looking at our hands as well. After another moment he pushes me away harshly and turns away.

"Good... work.." He sputters hesitantly.

Just then, the ship turns sharply and causes Zuko to crash into me, before we both crash into the railing once more. This time, it was much more painful and I let out a squeak of pain.

He quickly gets off me and pulls me from the rail, glancing at my side briefly, but once he was satisfied he looked away.

What was that about?

I shake my head to clear it. Glancing around, everyone looked as confused as I felt about the sudden change in direction.

"Someone's changing our course." Zuko mutters to himself as he brushes off his shirt.

A/N: Hi guys! How's it going? I hope well.
This chapter was fun to write but I'm also a little worried about the fight scene, so let me know what you think.

This week will be crazy for me. It's my last week as a barista at a coffee shop I've worked at for 3 and a half years. It's a cooperate organization and it's honestly ending on a bit of a sour note because my boss has decided to put me through hell the last couple of weeks.

I've been working my butt off and she keeps adding stuff on and I'm exhausted! Wednesday is my last day and I'm so ready. It's really unfortunate because I feel like my whole experience at my work has meant so much to me but it's like it hadn't meant much to my boss...unless it's that it means too much to her and she's just salty I'm leaving. I don't really know, either way it's been rough and I'm pretty worn down.

Anyways, I really hope you liked this chapter. If you have any work stories you'd like to share, let me know! I'm always curious to know what other places are like to work for, especially since I've been working at the same place for as long as I've been able to work.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Xoxo, Miranda

Published: 1/9/21

Lotus Flower: Book One|ZukoxOC(Avatar the Last Airbender Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now