"SIRIUS WATCH OUT!" She shrieked. 

His foot caught on a rock and he went rolling down the grassy hill. 

Emerald after watching him roll for a few moments then threw herself on the grass and began rolling after him. 

They both lay at the bottom of the hill breathing heavily and laughing their heads off. 

Sirius grabbed her and spun her around in the air. "You little monkey you threw yourself down after me." 

She giggled and shrugged innocently. "I couldn't let you win." 


Sirius had dropped Emerald off with Remus so he could go take a shower. 

Remus was playing a game of muggle snap with Emerald as they had deemed exploding snap too dangerous after a incident a few days ago. 


He hummed in reply as he placed a card down. 

"Where did your scars come from?" 

He froze up his hand stopping in mid air. "W-why do you ask?" 

"Just wondering. You got a new one right here before Christmas." She dragged her finger over the bridge of her nose. "Was it your family? Sirius said you went to visit your sick aunt. I won't tell." She looked up at him innocently naïve. 

"No it wasn't my family sunshine." He sighed and pulled her onto his lap. 

She gave him a sceptical look. "Then what happened?" 

He racked his mind for a feasible lie. "Well, my uncle is an adventurer." 


"Yep and every month when I visit my aunt we have to go out hunting for food." 

Emerald gave him a disbelieving look. "Just ask a house elf to go to town. Or apparate to town yourself." 

"We're too far to apparate anywhere." He had lowered his voice as if he was telling her his deepest darkest secret. "And last month me and uncle had a nasty run in with a tiger." 

Emerald's eyes lit up. "Really?!" 

"You know it." He threw her up in the air to add to the effect. "The tiger jumped out of trees and leapt at me and uncle." 

He began tickling her ferociously. "It slashed my face and hands. But uncle hit it with a stunner and we made a narrow escape." 

Emerald pushed his hands away from her stomach giggling uncontrollably. "Stop Remus!" She shrieked. 

Remus picked her up and hugged her tight as he flopped on his bed. 

They both sighed tiredly after a few minutes of laughing together. 

Just as Remus was drifting back to sleep he heard a faint whisper from Emerald. 

"It's okay if you don't tell me Remus. I'll wait." 


Sirius held Emerald up by her ankle as she laughed uncontrollably. 

"Sirius my head feels funny." She gasped. 

"Give me my knife and I'll put you down." 

"I don't have it, I swear!" She wheezed but she had a mischievous look on her face. 

"Mr Black I think-" 

"Don't worry Professor I've got this." Sirius said dismissively. "Give me the knife Emerald." 

"I don't have it." She insisted. 

He reached forward and began tickling her. She squirmed desperately still hung by her ankle. "SIRIUS!"  

With one hand holding Emerald in the air the other began searching through her pockets. "Where did you put it?" 

"I told you." She laughed while all the blood rushed to her head. "I don't have it." 

"I know you have it." 

"Mr Black-" 

"Don't worry Professor Slughorn she'll give soon." 

"I don't have it." She giggled but her head was very heavy at the moment. 

"Mr Black-" 

"Where is it Emerald?" 

"MR BLACK! It is on your bench." Slughorn said and Sirius wheeled around dragging Emerald along with him roughly making the five-year-old squeal in fear and excitement. 

Sirius slowly put Emerald down, she walked around blearily for a few minutes as she attempted to walk in a straight line. 

Sirius crouched in front of her his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "How did you do that?" 

"I told you I never had it." She shrugged innocently. 

Sirius huffed and sat back down on the bench. 

Emerald subtly high fived Peter who had aided her in her plan. 

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