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Most individuals don't realize that love isn't the only factor that contributes to a successful relationship. It necessitates trust and open communication. You can love someone with all of your heart and still despise them so much that you can't tolerate it. Marriages end in divorce not because the couple stopped loving each other, but because their love for each other was insufficient enough to spend a lifetime together. 

If he had tried, we could have made it work. Perhaps I was the source of the problem. Perhaps the issue was with the world. But, for whatever reason, we didn't work out, and it appears that I can accept that. Every time I see him stroll these halls, I see the person I fell in love with, and I'm right back where I started, with just as much anguish as I had overcome. I believe that a person's first love never fades. They will be with that individual for the rest of their life. It's something I've witnessed previously with my folks. They were together for years before splitting up. They had both moved on and hadn't seen each other in a long time, but as their eyes met for the first time again, the world stopped and it was just them. I'm hoping that one day I'll see him and everything will be back to normal after that terrible day. I hope our love will last a lifetime. I'm hoping we can rekindle our relationship. I'm hoping, and hoping, and hoping even if he isn't. I can have enough faith for the both of us. 

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