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001. BLONDE HAIR ── Lily was born with lovely golden blonde hair that is a bit darker than most, so it looks more like a dirty blonde, growing to reach her waist.

002. OCEAN BLUE EYES ── Lily's eyes are a deep oceanic blue, they look a bit dull until they are reflected in the light, where they look like orbs of water or glimmering sapphires, her eyes are framed with thick blonde lashes.

003. SILVER-TINTED ORBS ── Upon learning lunar magic and studying its runes, when Lily uses lunar magic her eyes gain a silver tint.

004. BLUE WINGS ── Lily was born with shimmering blue wings that have white sparkles and a purple tint swirling within them, just like fairies she has wings except, unlike a fairy she can grow her wings back.

005. DEMON FORM ── In her demon form her hair gains forest green streaks, and her left eye shifts into a dark green with a glowing green crack forming over her left eye while her right eye stays the same--though both her eyes gain a tinge of darkness. Her wings shift from blue and purple into black and white. Also on her neck, she gains a green demon mark, either glowing black or green.

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𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚘𝚍 𝙿𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜

001. MAGICAL POWER: MOMENT OF BIRTH ── Lily can restore the life within dead plants and animals, this ability allows her to give rebirth to the forests and ecosystems and help maintain order, however just as she can give she can easily take away. With this power, she could build an entirely new Fairy King's Forest.

002. MIND READING AND TELEPATHY ── She can read anyone's mind whether it be an animal or human. She can also talk to them through their minds thus also being able to use telepathy

003. EMPATHY ── She can sense one's emotions no matter how hard they try to mask them. Through this power, she can read people easily and figure out what they truly want. She can sense any sort of feeling or mention such as happiness and pain.

004. HEALING ── As a forest goddess Lily can regenerate and heal her wounds within the blink of an eye as long as she has enough stamina. She can heal the physical wounds of others and is also able to cure illnesses.

005. SEASONAL CONTROL ── Lily can manipulate the weather and control the elements, meaning she can summon natural disasters such as blizzards and thunderstorms on command.

006. SOUL READING ── She can connect to the roots of nature that spread throughout the world and use them to sense the location of a certain being's soul. If she cannot, it means the said being she is seeking is no longer of this Earth, meaning they are either dead or their soul is trapped in another dimension

007. ECOMANCY ── As the demigod of the Eternal Forest, she is capable of performing magic through the physical forces of nature. She can control plants and nature. She can also control the plants to have them form anything she wants, as well as the ability to talk to plants and see through their vision even at a far distance as long as she is in contact with another plant she can see through another plant vision

008. CONJURATION ── A sub-category of magic from Ecomancy. Lily can conjure small green living creations such as bugs or small animals of her creation that follow her command. However, this magic is relatively harmless.

009. SHAPESHIFT ── Lily can morph the biology of her body and change her appearance into any other living being, such as animals and even other people. She can also just alter her appearance by changing her hair color or height.

010. WINGS ── Lily can make her wings appear and disappear at her will. Unlike Fairies, she can also detach them and regrow them if she wants. She can levitate without her wings as well.

𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚙𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜

001. SHADOW MANIPULATION ── She can control shadows and she can even become a shadow, this will allow her to block and dodge attacks. She can also launch beams of shadows at people and control them. She can manipulate the darkness in her soul like other demons to form anything like wings or body parts

002. SHADOW PORTAL ──By manipulating her emotions she can create portals out of shadows that will be able to send her to places or people she knows. Like if she wanted to go to Meliodas all she has to do is think about him and then she can create a portal to go to him.

003. LUNAR MAGIC ── Within the light of the moon, Lily can use the moonlight to her advantage and perform spells, write runes, and rituals. However, these spells can only be done in the moonlight.

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