Chapter 2-It's just the beginning

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!?!" She practically yelled.

"Tell you what?" I asked avoiding contact.

"That you and Trevor are hooking up!!" She said excitedly.

"w-we aren't." I said looking at the ground.

"I know you are cause when you lie you avoid eye contact" Nicki smiled.

"Okay fine we are but It's not like it will end up with us having a relationship, because h-he probably doesn't want that!" I mumbled.

Nicki looked at me like she was also puzzling something else together. That's when she mumbled "Brandon"

"What about Brandon?" I questioned hoping to get something out of her.

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking about something that he said." I thought nothing of it because her and Brandon are like siblings.

"Later you are going to tell me everything!" Nicki laughed, which made me smile.

She unlocked the door walking out of it, she left me alone in the medium sized room to think.

I walked out the room hearing everyone's suggestions on people at our school.

Brandon and Sean were clearly drunk because they could nearly complete their own sentences.

I sat down on the couch next to Trevor.

I giggled slightly hearing Brandon call one of the teachers hot and how he would probably bang her.

"How do you even know her if she is an new teacher and that we haven't went to school?" Nicki questioned Brandon.

He went on explaining how he seen her on our schools shitty website.

"You are a dumbass Brandon" I laughed.

"Yeah I'm about to be your dumbass" he slurred while I rolled my eyes.

I threw a pillow at his face cause of his stupidity, causing the room to laugh.

Trevor grabbed my hand lightly and held it, then he started playing with my ring on one of my fingers.

Clearly nobody really noticed cause they were intoxicated.

I looked down at my arm to where a bunch of my bracelets were, the bracelets were hiding all the scars I had from cutting myself over the summer.

Nicki didn't know about my problems that happened over the summer, but Trevor knew and so did one of my friends named Elisia.

I knew Elisia since middle school, because of a prank we both pulled on a kid, since that we instantly clicked.

I went on my phone looking at pictures that I had, until I got a text from someone.

Elisia- can't wait to go back to hell

Me- lmao, same.

I pushed the off button on my phone because everyone started to play truth or dare. There was only one rule:

If you don't want to say you take a shot of tequila.

"Brandon truth or dare?" Sean asked.

"Truth" Brandon said.

"Do you find anyone in this room attractive and if you do than who?" Sean smirked

"Lills obviously" Brandon smirked in my direction, which earned a glare from Trevor.

"Eww gross man, think about the pact" Sean told him.

When we all were younger we made a pact that I would not date Brandon or Trevor and they would not dare me, which in my mind always sounds ridiculous.

"Lills truth or dare?" Brandon asked.

"Truth" I looked over at my intoxicated blonde friend.

"Would you sleep with someone in this room?"

Instead of answering I took a shot of tequila.

When I was finished drinking it my phone dinged.

I looked over at it and it was my mum.

Mum- go to bed in about 12 mins you have school tomorrow!

Me- k mum love you.

"Guys I have to go home, it was fun hanging out with all of you!" I smiled and gave goodbyes, when I was finished I walked out the door and headed home.

Hey guys how are all of you, anyways who do you think Lillian should end up with? Brandon or Trevor?
- DarkMysticHarmony

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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