It was the next day, and Drew had woke up early for work as he had a meeting with the church over general things for the new month leaving a naked, Karen covered up in the bed so he could ready. Right before he left, Karen awoke. "Morning baby." He said still kissing her even though she had only been awake for a few seconds and she found that some of her voice was gone. He chuckled saying, "that's alright you can just give daddy a kiss." He smiled and Karen playfully rolled her eyes. They were just kissing each other before drew had to leave for church meeting. And tongue kissing that is and after all that was over with. They talked about how they were going to tell the kids and Drew decided it would be best if he just said, there was a surprise at home instead of telling them. Because it was a surprise and no one was really ready for Karen's return. And they thought it would've been too overwhelming for the kids if he would've told them straight out the gate after he got them from having a good time at their friends house.

Once Drew was gone, Karen decided to get up too get ready for today since she knew her sisters would be coming over. "Shitt." She barely could get out as she remembered that she didn't even think to call them because she was getting her back blown out as she felt it from last night. When she tried to get up from the bed as she normally would she almost fell. Her legs were wobbly. She could barely feel them. " I told that man to let me be able to walk." Karen said to herself trying to rub some feeling into her legs. They weren't numb or anything. She just couldn't walk. Drew not only snatched her soul last night but he took her ability to walk. And her ability to function as she still couldn't think straight. It was like she had a hungover from his dick.

She just knew her sisters were going to have a field day with this one. She hoped before her sisters came over that her voice was going to come back but she was sadly mistaken. As she was coming down the stairs she knew she had to hang onto the rail so she wouldn't fall.

It was around 11am when she heard her sisters knocking on the door and she was walking with a limp. "Damn it, Drew." Karen said to herself as she tried to play it off by practicing to walk straight as she went to the door. But it was no use even as she tried to walk straight she still looked weird.
When Karen finally opened up the door her sisters hugged her again greeting her. She let out a faint and raspy hi that they missed because it was so quiet. But they knew she had greeted them and let that one pass thinking nothing of it. But when they walked over to couch they noticed that she was lagging behind, Dorinda stopped and placed a hand on her hip looking at her baby sister.

"Karen you okay?" Dorinda asked her and Karen was still kind of out it seeing what her and Drew, did last night as she was so busy on not trying to walk in front of them. And she just nodded her head leaning on her kitchen counter trying to play it off like nothing was wrong. "Mmhmm." Jacky said as she turned her body around to fully watch their baby sister. "Why you walkin all slow?" Jacky asked and Karen tried not to cut her eyes at her oldest sister cause she ain't wanna be called out. But that ain't stop Jacky. "Come on so we can talk." Dorinda said going to the couch tired of standing.

While they turned their heads, Karen took the chance to quickly walk as they weren't looking but Jacky peeked over her shoulder calling her out. "Look at her walking with a limp!" Jacky said making the rest of the sisters laugh. "Be quiet" Karen said playfully with her voice still gone and horse too. "Y'all hear her voice too?" Dorinda said, chuckling "It's gone just gone." Doe teased her.
"Ha ha ha" Karen said sarcastically and they could barely hear that as she limped over to her couch putting her feet up while trying to get comfortable because her back was still somewhat hurtin' from last nights activities. And Dorinda looked at her and laughed again knowing that Drew went up in that thang.

"Hush up, Doe, Drew blew my back out last night." Karen barely said frowning in a playful way. "We know just by how you walkin'." Jacky said mocking her in voice as Twinkie turned her head trying not to laugh. "Twinkie we know you laughin'." Dorinda said still crackling causing Twinkie to laugh even harder than before. "So, I think we all know how last night went. So, we don't have to ask how was your first night back." Jackie said as the rest of the sisters tried not to laugh but it was too funny as the sisters were still crackin' on Karen about how, Drew must've put it down on Karen since she could barely walk or talk.

Later on when it was the afternoon, Karen's voice was finally coming back to her. But it was still horse from last night. Then right in the middle of the conversation, Karen zoned out thinking about what time he was coming home wondering if they could have a quickie after the car was being dropped off? As she was thinking her sisters noticed that she zoned out and they weren't sure if she was ignoring them at first. But as her sisters were calling her name and waving there hand in their face they soon realized that she was still in a sex daze. They knew that Karen was dictimized. "KAREN!" Dorinda said loudly and Karen ain't know who Dorinda was calling and then the other sisters started calling again until, Jacky shook her thigh. "Huh?" She finally said, in a hushed voice snapping back realizing that she had forgotten her own name.
And finally when Dorinda called her she jumped. "Damn, Karen did he make you forget your name too?" Dorinda asked noticing how delayed, Karen would be when they called her by her name. "So sister tell us how was it since you can barely function?" Dorinda playfully asked. And Karen rolled her eyes playfully.
"I past out three times and I kind of..." Karen said, and her sisters looked at her and said, "Damn" at the same time. "But what does that mean?" Dorinda said doing the hand motion that Karen did when Karen clasped her hands together pointing downwards and opening them up like a waterfall. "I just..waterfall." Karen said not wantin to say the actual thing because that was the first time she had actually squirted with Drew.

"Waterfall?" Dorinda asked confused as hell. And then it clicked for them all. "Ooh y'all were nasty nasty." Doe said, gasping placing a ball up fist over her mouth. "You squirted twiceee?" Dorinda asked surprised. "uh huh." Karen said kind of shy admitting it. "Dang baby sister was sister was gettin' it onnn last night." Dorinda praised and the rest of the sisters were shocked knowing with Karen's history she liked it slow, nice, and sweet. But this was different. "And then we had sex early this morning." She said looking away from them. "Ehhh you's a freak freak." Dorinda said out loud and the sisters laughed.
After they were done talking they talked about the kids and how they were doing. Hearing about her own kids made her heart melt. Right before they could ask if they needed to stay when their niece and nephew came back, Drew came in and he still had some time left before he went to go pick up the kids. Coming into his home he greeted his sister-in-laws and his wife.

"Hey, baby." Drew said, and Karen said "hi" kissing her husband back and the sisters looked on trying not to giggle. "I guess that's the only name she remembers." Dorinda joked to her other sisters as they laughed. "Drew why our baby sister can't function right?" Dorinda asked him. "Doe leave that man alone." Jacky said trying not to chuckle. "What he did this to her?" She cracked. "Look at her just staring at him like she wanna jump his bones." Doe said teasing their sister again. And Drew couldn't help but chuckle.
"But do y'all want us to stay for when the kids come back?" Dorinda asked more on a serious note. "I would like for y'all too stay." Karen said now waiting for her husband. But his reaction wasn't surprising. "Yess please." He said, "Is it gonna be that bad?" Karen asked in a whisper gettin nervous. "Nooo." They said a bit unsure. "I mean we don't know about Kierra because she looks and acts just like you. But she's more hard-headed when it comes to other people." Jacky told her. "But I'm not other people." Karen told them. "We know you're her mother and she knows that too. But you were gone for some time. But I think she's gonna be glad that you're back." Jacky said trying to get her sister to stop worrying.
"Just know we're here for y'all especially you."
Jacky said as she held her hand and Karen shyly smiled.

To be continued...
How y'all think Karen feeling?
What y'all think happened to Kierra over the years when she was gone?
And what y'all think about the sisters being there for moral support?

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