13- I like you too

Start from the beginning

"Yeah course come in." He smiled warmly, stepping to the side to allow me to walk through the door frame, my figure immediately taking to the warmth of his flat.

"Summer at uni is she ?" I asked, looking around the flat to find no other owners sat within it. Julian nodded, falling back down into what I presumed to be his original position on the sofa before I gently took a seat on the crushed orange fabric besides him.

"You sure you alright ? You look a little stressed."

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry." I shrugged, a small chuckling following the end of the sentence in a poor hope to reassure him I wasn't lying. He nodded, closing the magazine I guessed he was previously reading before tossing it onto the coffee table.

"Did you want a drink of anything ? Tea, coffee... vodka ?" He laughed, lips smiling brightly as I shook my head giggling.

"No Roger's coming round mine later... so I think I'll stick with coffee if that's alright ?" His face almost lit up at the mention of the drummer, a short gasp letting loose that told me he'd almost managed to forget about my secret 'thing' with Queen's blonde boy.

"You gotta tell me what's going on there... I mean- I thought he had a girlfriend ? And the rest of the world thinks the same thing..." Julian replied quickly, filling up the kettle before placing in on the stove to boil and rushing back over to his original seat.

He wasn't wrong. And it partly irritated me. But that's because I felt like more than Roger's 'thing' now. But no one knew we were even friends, not anyone outside the circles around us at least, and it felt as if this is how our paths would stay. Simply crossed, when I really wanted then to become one we followed together.

"Yeah... they're not together I swear. She's in France. They broke up but haven't gotten round to 'announcing' it."

"He's hot. And he seems like he cares about you. Are you two like dating or ? Sorry I'm being so nosey but-"

"No we're not dating." I huffed, taking my thumb between my lips to chew on nervously as I felt the need to tell Julian something I didn't think would come up. "But..."

"But what ?" Julian asked, a genuine curiosity in the voice he spoke with as he sat up on the sofa eagerly waiting for my mind to decide what to tell him. The truth was nothing I had to worry about Julian spilling- it was harder to admit it than I thought. A lot harder.

"I think I might be in love with him. I've never felt like anyone the way I do him. He's funny and he's a little cocky- no he's very cocky... but he cares and he's... well he's Roger. And he's literally the best I've ever had." I rambled nervously, cheeks glowing when Julian let out an extremely loud gasp. "I mean like... the best. The man knows what he's doing."

"Oh fuck. Wow. You've fallen hard for that boy haven't you ?" He chuckled slightly, peeling himself off the sofa to answer to the whistling kettle as I nodded.

"I've fallen for someone who I'm relatively sure has little intention of falling back. I'm fucked. Completely and utterly fucked."


I got home with only a mere ten or so minutes before the drummer was expected to be at my door, hopefully with a bottle of some from of booze in his hand for us to share over the course of the night, and I couldn't stop thinking about Mum.

Julian had been a great distraction from it all, even though he didn't know it, planting my mind on Roger rather than my mum- but it seemed when I was by myself and lost in my own mind I couldn't get her out of there.

She was Anna Petrov, one of the fifties biggest heart throbs who'd turned into one of the seventies biggest alcoholics. Unsurprisingly. But I felt like every other person knew her, knew dad, and could happily repeat her story like they'd been there to witness it.

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