11- How it's gonna stay

Start from the beginning

"I won't."

"Good. Now cmon... sort your shit out you've got a party to be attending shortly, and I've gotta lovely date with my tv and a take away to be having at the same time."


"Hey... you look..." Roger paused as he opened the door, almost stuttering as his eyes took little hesitation soaking up the features stood in front of him. He practically absorbed every detail he possibly could, not bothering to break the silence he'd so easily created as his fixed glare adjusted to each part of my frame. "Wow. You look fucking stunning."

I shook my head, laughing a little as he snapped back from what seemed like a trance and finally let me inside the house, my ears taking a moment to adjust to the blaring records and screaming girls as the door shut loudly behind me. Roger quickly stole my hand in his grasp, giving me next to no time at all to actually observe the crowds and music as he pulled me to a room sat within the house I presumed was Freddie's.

The air was thick with the smoke of stranger's cigarettes, and heavy with the smell of variations of booze, not to mention the leaking sense of sweat as the bodies dancing against one another became hot with thrill. Roger almost dragged me to the clearing where I could only presume he'd previously been sat, judging my the cigarette still sputtering out smoke from the ash tray besides the beer bottle still paired with half its contents.

The small space seemed to be squeezed in the centre of the excited mix, consisting of few wooden side tables and multiple arm chairs made of what I could make out to be reasonably tropical seeming materials in the dimness of the light. The majority of the chairs were filled faces however I did recognise, John sat in one large chair with a beer in his hand as Brian sat with his wrapped around a women who happened to have a rather large baby bump sat besides him.

"Adelynn... lovely to see you again." Brian smiled warmly, his lips parting slightly to meet the edge of his glass as Roger fell down in the chair besides the leaking ash tray, his fingers immediately taking the nub back between them. He didn't let his hand break from mine, and instead used the grasp to his clever advantage to pull my frame subtly into his lap.

"You too." I replied, glancing down at Roger as his smirking lips released a grew pool, satisfied by the rushing nicotine and now girl in his lap.

"This is Chrissie. My wife. Little one's due in June." Brian looked down at the girl with awe, his eyes fixing on her before he let his lips touch her forehead softly.

"Congratulations... is it your first ?" I asked, both of the pair nodding with two smiles as John glanced at them with a little nod. "I'm sure you're going to be great parents."

"Yeah, were excited. Good job we get back from this next tour mid May... fingers crossed I don't miss anything." Brian's words earned a simple nod and smile as first, just a basic kind gesture that kept the group sat on Freddie's furniture in a content silence until the chair's owner stumbled over and threw himself into the seat besides me and Roger.

"Adelynn darling ! Thank god you made it." Freddie exclaimed, laughing loudly as he kissed each of my cheeks, Roger shaking his head as the other's sat around chuckled at the dramatic front man. "Why haven't you got a drink yet ?"

"Not had the chance to wriggle through to the kitchen and get one yet I'm afraid."

"I'll get you one... I'm heading out there for a refill now." John sat up from his seat, waving his empty beer bottle before placing it down on a worn oak table. "What did you want ?"

"She'll have a bottle of vodka"" Freddie yelled, grinning brightly as I nodded a little. "How have you been ? Busy with our drummer I'm guessing."

"I've been alright thanks. Not too busy."

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