kidnapping him

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Life is repetitive, full of the bleak sameness of last week. Training with little rest, ensuring that your mind is as sharp as your blade, and following through with the orders granted by your father. There is only work – merely doing as your father wishes.

Oh, how you wish things would look up.

A sigh escapes you as you trek across the hideout Lord Garmadon had constructed; Stone Warriors are rushing about, all doing their part to build the Mega Weapon. You'd taken your sweet time coming back from your previous mission – all to contemplate the question haunting you.

Will I ever get to leave?

You scowl, kicking open the doors to Lord Garmadon's quarters. He stands there alongside your father – the Overlord.

"Job's done," you announce. "They're on the southern coast."

"As I suspected," Garmadon replies as the two turn towards you. "So typical of the ninja."

You nod, folding your arms. "I overheard that they're preparing to locate the Temple of Light soon. What's our next move?"

"We need to find a way to slow them down," Garmadon replies.

"Return to their base. They would not risk Lloyd so quickly."

"What do I do when I get there?"

"Subdue him and bring him to us by any means necessary," your father instructs.

Garmadon stiffens beside you, but refrains from saying anything. You nod, turning towards the door once more.

"I'll be back soon."


The humidity of the forest draws small beads of sweat from your skin as you dart through the trees, making sure to listen to your surroundings.

Soon enough, you approach the coast of the island, the ninja's hideout coming into view shortly after. You look around, noting that the Green Ninja is nowhere in sight. After a few moments of searching, you crouch behind a tree so you can observe the area behind concealment.

During the few minutes you wait, you catch yourself staring longingly at the ocean more than once. A soft sigh escapes you as you force your attention back to the task at hand.

Shortly after, you spot three older people exiting their ship. You recognize one as the ninja's Sensei – Garmadon's younger brother. The other two are unfamiliar.

The three crowd around a table, the woman laying what appears to be a scroll out. Moments later, a pop of green catches your attention.


Out from the ship emerges a blond boy dressed in a green gi. Yes, that has to be the one. Looks like your father was right.

Lloyd approaches the adults, joining the conversation as he too huddles over the table. You're too far away to catch what they're saying, but soon enough, the boy nods before turning towards the forest.

Now's my chance!

You quietly slip through the overgrown vegetation, being careful not to step on anything that could potentially give your location away. Even with the added difficulty of remaining undetected, it doesn't take long for you to catch up to him.

From the looks of it, he's gathering resources. For what, you aren't sure, but it provides for an opportune moment to strike.

With the distance between the two of you closing, you check that your breathing is controlled. Steady breath ensures a steady heart and hand. Readying your weapon – a dark matter infused dagger dipped in a paralysis-inducing solution – you slowly make your approach.

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