Chapter 1: A Dark Sorcerer Vampire awakens

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Midoriya Izuku born as a pure-blood vampire during an age when humans had super-powers called quirks.
Even the young vampire don't had quirks at birth, by human terms, this don't mean that he cannot inherit and learn the black magic of two ancient sorcerers: The Dark Chaos Mage of Destruction, Dark Schneider; and the Witcher Signs Magic from Geralt of Rivia.
When Izuku are admitted on Yuuei, as one of the rare vampire and wizard students on the prestigious Hero Course, and faces a formidable powerful enemy, Anthrax, he faces a dangerous dilemma: it will be a supernatural Pro-Hero or a Doomsday Monster ?

It contains a mild cross-over from Bastard!, Hellsing, Witcher and Berserk, along the My Hero Academia story setting.

Please enjoy!

Edit: Updated version with some additional corrections.


This is a Society dominated by people with super-powers, also called quirks. Due to the genetic dominance of quirks, it takes less than two centuries to the quirk people dominate the main population, reaching more than 80% of world population. However, anyone without a quirk are relegated to become second-class citizens. In theory, the quirkless people should have the same rights of the quirk users, however the discrimination and gradual ostracism drive them to own downfall.

However the Quirks was not the only source of super-powers, albeit it constitute the majority. On a very small quantity, less than one per million in average, a volatile mixture of vampires, sorcerers and witches still survive, and any of them could easily defeat the great majority of quirk users.

One of the most bizarre combinations was a so-called quirkless child, named Izuku Midoriya, which born as a vampire, and been descendent from an ancient lineage of vampires from his mother Inko, and an exotic combination of wizards, or sorcerers from the deceased father side, or Inko thought, since he was reported missed once he fells ill when Inko was pregnant, and he's missing since then.

Usually vampires don't possess the ability to inheriting a human quirk, although some recent reports shows that already happens on some younger ones, specially if one of his parents was an human one. The same occurs to old mages bloodlines, making a hybrid magic and quirk users, where requires specially lectures during their childhood. Quirk or Quirkless, the majority of vampires powers has mistaken by some form of telekinesis quirk, or an enhanced strength quirk, even both. A reason of this fact was due to vampires had a natural physical force, that was about 20 times greater than the average human, taking down several quirked humans without great problems, unless a human with a powerful strength quirk exists to counter them.

When the authorities notice that some quirkless had non-quirk special powers, they amend the Quirk Registration Law to include additional fields related to abnormal physic features, or even magic abilities, to made a legal equivalence between Magic and Quirks. Those amendments, makes illegal misuse of Magic punishable like the Quirks.

The young Izuku was a young vampire that was strong by own physical power, about three times the average of a four years old child. That biological advantage was shattered, when his childhood human friend named Katsuki Bakugou, that also reaches 4 years old, develops an Explosion Quirk that could overcome him. When Katsuki likes to tease and bully the young vampire, it shouts when Izuku uses their physical strength to dash quickly to his house.

"Stupid Deku!", Katsuki grins when exhibits his tiny flame bursts, "My quirk is so much cooler than your weak one!"

"It is so cruel… Kacchan!", says Izuku a little hurt, while sprints to get home as soon as possible.

A regular health check routine shows that was, by human standards, quirkless and this could make their life during the Elementary School a little harder. Since Izuku was a vampire, his non-quirk powers would overcome and compensate the lack of a human quirk. Izuku's mother teaches some forms of self-defence, later carried by a rare trustful quirkless human Vigilante by the Vampire Community. Knuckleduster was a martial arts expert, and exploits the major flaws on human glorification of quirk users. Many of them forgot to enhance their physical strength, and then Knuckleduster could quickly take down several quirk users by applying an adequate martial art technique.

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