There are worse things I could do

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(Daphne is a singer and songwriter, Simon is still a Duke, since England still has royalty, and she, Simon, Penelope, and Anthony were all friends as kids in primary school, but the bridgertons lost contact with Simon once they became teenagers and the bridgerton gang went to another school, in this AU, Penelope AKA Penny, tries to comfort Marina, her cousin they took in, after Marina finds out she's pregnant- she's like 17- and Marina lashes out, because she knows Penny's mom will flip, and most likely try to get her to get rid of it, but she's not sure what she wants at this point, meanwhile Eloise is mad because she's jealous of the attention Daphne has always gotten since they were children, and is off sulking in her room, and Daphne is sad because she thinks Simon doesn't like her like she likes him, because he's a flirt and two years older, Daphne is 25 and Simon is 27, so this scene came to mind)

Marina stared out the window, tears filling her eyes, she never wanted to come here... that meant her mother wasn't coming back for her... and now... this changes things... her aunt would surely kick her out of the house...

What's sad was she had a suspicion of who the father was, but she wasn't entirely sure so she couldn't just talk to the boy...

All her aunt saw was her flaws, she was looking for an excuse to kick her out... and now she had it...

Marina: there are worse things I could do... than go with a boy or two... even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy and no good, I suppose it could be true but there worse things I could do

(Back at the bridgerton house, where Penny had fled in tears after trying to help her cousin, and she was in Daphne's bathroom crying, Daphne in the backyard pining over Simon, thinking she isn't good enough for him thinking she's plain looking and boring, wishing she was at least pretty enough to justify vying for his affections)

Daphne: I could flirt with all the guys smile at them and bat my eyes, press against them when we dance, make them think they stand a chance, then refuse to see it through, that's a thing I'd never do

(Penelope throws her hands over her face in disgust)

Penelope: I could stay home every night wait around for mister right!

(Eloise chimes in, sulking in her room)

Eloise: take cold showers every day

Daphne: and throw my life away

(Back to Marina, staring at herself in her mirror, self loathing, tears welling up in her eyes)

Marina: on a dream that won't come true.

(Eloise sighs, flopping back on her bed in frustration, staring up at the ceiling, her brows furrowed in anger)

Eloise: I could hurt someone like me out of spite or jealousy

(Jumps back and forth between each girl)

Marina: I don't steal and I don't lie!

Penelope: but I can feel

Daphne: and I can cry!

Eloise: a fact I bet you never knew...

(Split screen of each girl in her own room)

All: but to cry in front of you...

(Focuses on Daphne, tears finally rolling down her face, then goes back to the four of them)

That's the worst thing...

I could do...

(Fades to black)

Scenes for my Modern Bridgerton AU to add later Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang