"Kim, what do you got?" Voight asked. 

"Nothing," Kim replied. "No leads on the scene and no DNA on the crowbar." 

"Ballistics said no match on the slugs either," Jay added. 

"I got a hit on PODs," Hailey announced. "After the rip, the Tahoe went straight to a block with a known chop shop." 

"Okay, good. You and Y/n move on it," Voight commanded. At the chop shop, Hailey and I found the owner, but he wasn't proving to be any help.

"Look, that's what I'm saying. I have no idea about a Tahoe," the man admitted. "If it was dropped off, I wasn't here." 

"Wow. That's convenient," Hailey commented. "You know we're gonna talk to every single one of your employees, right?" 

"Go ahead. But none of them speak English," the owner told us. 

"Esto no es un problema. Yo habo espanol (That's not a problem. I speak spanish)," I relay to the owner. "I'm near fluent, actually. Now, I don't suppose you have any cameras set up in here." 

The owner shook his head. "Nah. Who would want to see that?" 

"Cops would," Hailey answered. I then glanced back outside, and I just so happened to catch sight of the woman from the crime scene earlier. As soon as she saw me, she took off, but I had already caught her license plate.

"5021, I need you to run a plate," I say into my radio. "King 7 John 135." 

"Hey. What's going on?" Hailey quizzed. 

"That was the woman from this morning," I declare and hold my radio up to my lips again. "Hey, Sarge, I think we got something."


"Anna Avalos, born and raised Little Village. She's got one kid, a five-year-old boy. There's no father attached to the birth certificate. But her family, very deep with Los Temidos," Kevin informed us.

"And Anna's pop's had been in the joint since she was ten," Adam added. "He's never getting out. Her mom dealt for Los Temidos, died when Anna was 17. Her brother, Miguel, was hooked on a 20 year armed robbery charge. He got shanked to death in prison in 2017." 

"Anna got linked up further after that. Started dealing, got pinched in 2018, did time, played nice in Menard, got out a year ago, got her kid out of foster care," Hailey listed off.

"She's been an active CI for the DEA for six months. Her handler says her tips are solid and she's well placed within Los Temidos, trusted because of her family. Her handler also says she's slippery though," Kim put forth. "She parcels out intel for maximum profit." 

"Did we get an explanation as to why she was at the rip and the chop shop?" I implore. "Because whatever it is, it's not gonna be good." 

"Look, we spent weeks lining up Manny and this buy/bust, and I don't see a single Los Temidos with his photo crossed out. Maybe Anna can get us the rip crew. Maybe she can even get us another bite at the apple," Voight suggested. "And she's a pro CI. I mean, if she wasn't slippery, she'd be dead and gone. Let's use her."

Voight went and talked to Anna, and she gave us a name. Luis Cortes. He was the leader of our rip crew. Anna also told us that there was supposed to be another rip today at noon, and she gave us the address. Currently, we were all stationed around the address, and I was with Kevin and Adam. We were pretending that we had car trouble in order to not seem suspicious. The thing was though, we had been sitting here for quite awhile, and it didn't look like a rip was gonna be taking place.

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