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Once everyone got there i put the food on a table with the drink i dont think any of us would get drunk as we have a limited amount of drinks but well still have fun.we all sat down to play truth or dare.
"Truth or dare ron"ginny started
"Why do you like hermione"
"Pretty,smart,can be funny,cool,helpful and just amazing in general"
We all looked over at hermione and she was blushing like mad she went bright red and we all laughed
"Truth or dare george"ron asked
"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room"
As hermione and ron were dating and harry wanted to ask out ginny we all knew they had something going on he felt itd be safest to kiss you so he did
"Sorry y/n hermiones taken and ginny will be soon if harry hurrys up"
"Its fine"
Fred gave george a deathstare
"Sorry mate"george said to fred
"Truth or dare y/n" george asked you
"Im not a pussy dare"
"I dare you to kiss the boy you most like in this room"
You turn to fred and sit on his lap and kiss him.
Fred holds ur waste and deepens the kiss and you think itd be funny to grind on him so you do then you hear him say in your ear "fuck..y/n you know what ur doing to me not here"
You giggle a bit and start getting of but hear him say"who said you could get of" so you stay and your blushing alot but you turn around to face everyone else and they realise
"Ooooooo" they all say
After a little while of truth or dare theres loud music playing and a bottle of vodka being passed around.
Youd been pulled out of the room by fred just before they got the drink out
"Y/n i want to ask you something"
"Do you want to hang out tomorrow maybe as a sort of um maybe date if you want it to be it can just be friends if u-"
You cut him of by kissing him "going on a date with you sounds great where and when?"
"Really?um tomorrow quidditch pitch 7"
"Ill be there"
You both go back in.The quidditch pitch he knows thats your favourite place.maybe i do like no just friends you get passed the drink and take a big mouthful then pass it on to fred you then start dancing around to the music going completely mad and as you are freds staring at you in awe around about 10 they all leave and you tidy up then head to bed excited for tomorrow.

Authors note:sorry its a short chapter i wasnt sure what else to add ill try and make the next one longer

Fred weasly x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now