Raptor Pen Fiasco

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(Y/N) woke later in the night to find that Darius and Kenji were missing and Brooklyn on her way out.

"Where are you going?" (Y/N) whispered.

"They're up to something; I'm not gonna miss out on good behind-the-scenes content," Brooklyn answered quietly.

Some part of (Y/N) told her to just go back to bed or even alert the counselors, but another part of her told her that she should just go along, and once it was over, they could just pretend it never happened. In the end, she decided to follow them just to see what they were up to, and if there was trouble, she would go back to camp and alert the counselors. She trailed behind them by about 20 feet but immediately recognized where they were when they arrived.

"Uh, guys, we shouldn't be here," (Y/N) warned.

"Oh, come on, don't be a buzzkill," Kenji whined on the stairs.

"We'll be careful," Darius reassured, already at the top of the stairs.

"It's not like they can hurt us anyway," Brooklyn chimed in.

    (Y/N) had to do a mental double-take after that statement before it clicked that they didn't know what dinosaur was here. But before she knew it, Kenji had climbed down into the paddock, luckily behind the bars. It didn't take Kenji long to get Brooklyn's phone.

    "Got it!" Kenji called up triumphantly.

    "Great, now get back up here," (Y/N) ordered.    

"Right after I get a sweet dino pic for Brooklyn's followers, no need to thank me," Kenji replied.

Then Darius started to pick up on (Y/N)'s concern especially when some of the foliage began to rustle more than it would if a bunch of Compy's were running around in it. The piles of bones was a dead give away but somehow that had gone unnoticed.

"This isn't the Compy pen is it?" Darius asked (Y/N).

"If he stays behind the bars he should be fine," (Y/N) replied, knowing it was too late for any other course of action.

"What are you two babbling on about?" Kenji asked although he didn't really care, sticking his arm through the bar to get a photo.

"Get back behind the bars you moron!" (Y/N) shouted, losing her temper ever so slightly.

The next time Kenji looked forward he was staring straight at a Raptor, he froze. Instead of getting away from the bars, he took the picture which pissed her off. Brooklyn, Darius, and (Y/N) watched from the catwalk, completely helpless for the moment. When Blue launched herself at the Kenji finally back away and ran to the gate.

"Open the gate! Open the gate!" Kenji shouted desperately.

Brooklyn was already over by the panel of buttons. 

"Brooklyn wait-" (Y/N) didn't get the chance to finish warning her not to hit the button that would let the Raptors into Kenji's area.

The gate rose and left Kenji exposed prey.

"We gotta distract them," Darius proposed.

"Yes, but first we should close the gate," (Y/N) said, hitting the button just in time.

Blue crashed into the falling gate instead of feasting on Kenji.

"I'm gonna distract them from the other side so they don't get him when he climbs up, you guys help him up," (Y/N) ordered before making the short trip to the other side of the enclosure. 

The clatter had drawn out the other three Raptors.

"Blue!" (Y/N) called out hoping if she could get her away the rest would follow.

Blue took a glance up at her before turning back to see how she could get at her new prey. She knew that would never be enough to pull their attention, but luckily, someone had left the rat bucket hanging from the railing. A little gross by now but still helpful. She banged the bucket against the bars which got the Raptors attention and they went scurring after the rats when teh bucket was dumped. They finally got Kenji out and they all got down the stairs as quickly as they could hoping to get back to Camp before anyone noticed they were gone. 

"Are you guys alright?" Dave asked.

They all flinched slightly.

Dave was more than happy to see that they were okay but Roxie offered a less warm welcome. 

"You four are in big trouble," Was all she said but it was enough to send shivers down their spines.

While Kenji, Darius, and Brooklyn all got into the jeep (Y/N) stood there for a second, looking around, thinking maybe she should just sit down here and wait Owen to come in the morning or even walk home from here. 

"(Y/N), come on," Roxie snapped, and without really thinking about it (Y/N) got into the jeep with the others.

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