The First meet

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Before I start I just wanna say that your name is Grace. You are known for being an actress and dancing on Tiktok. Trey is a big fan of yours and you're a big fan of his. Ok. Enjoy. All of these parts are in your point of view. Ok. Bye

Me and my best friend Kayleigh were at the Mall. We were outside and finding somewhere to go next. "Grace should we just sit and chill for a little bit? We've been walking for like 3 hours now." Kayleigh said to me. "Sure. Let's go sit my the fountain." I suggested. She agreed and we went over and sat down and talked for ages. She always makes me laugh my head off. We were dying of laughter and I saw the one and only Trey Makai. " Kayleigh, that's Trey!" Kayleigh looked over and her eyes went wide. "Go say hi" she suggested. "Are you insane?! I can't just go up to him and start talking to him! Have you met me?" I exclaimed. We just went back to talking and I noticed him looking over and going wide eyed. I was confused. But was brought back to reality  when a fan came.over and asked for a photo with me. I took the photo with her. She was so sweet. And looked over and noticed Trey walking over. Me and Kayleigh were in the middle of a conversation when I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Trey standing infront of me. I went wide eyed. "Oh my god. You're Trey Makai!" I exclaimed standing up with him. "You know who I am?!" He exclaimed to me. We started talking and I asked him if he wanted to join us (making sure it was ok with Kayleigh) he said yes and me and him exchanged numbers and we all started walking around. Me and him made a few tiktoks and had alot of fun

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