"You're not going to kill our child." I huff. "Over my dead body."

"You ruined our son's life—"

"It was already ruined before he came!" Donghyuck says. "This shitty family broke me! You were never there with me!"

Oh god, baby…

"You were so busy with shits and your personal lives that you forgot I'm still here! You forgot that you still have a son!"

"What are you trying to imply?" His father hissed.

"Do you even know that I was just pretending to be dumb? Did you even know that I never really needed a tutor? Did you even know that I got every fucking compliments there is for being a good student?" Donghyuck sobs. "No! Because no matter how I try to get your attention, I always fail!"

I lift an eye to see how his father reacted and he was just mad. Nowhere near shocked and sad. His mother on the other hand, is already crying. She sobs on her own hands.

"Quit this talk! You're going with us!"

"No!" He says firmly. "I'm going to stay with Mark hyung. I'm going to stay with the man who saved me from that distress of being your son. I'm going to stay with the father of my child!"

I gasp while his father turned to him and looked at him in disbelief. "What the hell did you say?"

"I'm going to stay with him—"

Fucking hell.

I swing my fist into his father's face when I saw him slap Donghyuck. Fuck. I'm so fucking mad.

"Did you just fucking punch me?"

"I did, you old hag, shit, cheater husband!" I shout. "Don't you dare raise a hand on your son again!"

"Son! Are you okay?" His mother runs towards Donghyuck. I kept them hidden on my back.

"Get the hell out! I'm not going to let you hurt the father of my child again!"

"Are you fucking serious on doing this?"

"I am!" I hiss. "I'm going to take care of him. I will take responsibility of the child that we made! I'm going to buy him everything that he needs! I'm going to do that by myself!"

He holds my collars and clench on it with his fists. That was until Donghyuck pushed him away again.

"Let go of Mark hyung! Don't hurt him!" He sobs and when his father is far enough, he hugs me tight.

My stomach flips in an unsual event. This is devastating but the only thing that kept me standing and sane is Donghyuck. I need to be sane for him. No matter how mad I am, I have to be conscious enough to protect him and our child no matter what. I'm not going to let them decide what to do with our child.

"Lee Donghyuck! Are you sure you're not going with you mom and I?"

"I'm sure." He says on my chest.

"Let's go, Heemin!"

"But our son—"

"Let's cut his cards off. Let's not pay for his bills. Let's not pay for his apartment! Let him do what he wants and let's see if he's still wants to be with this man!"

"But Dongmin! This is our child we're talking about—"

"Don't worry, Ma'am…" I grit. "I'm going to take care of your son."

"Let's go!"

"Donghyuck…" His mother cries but she couldn't do anything as his husband pulls him away.

I watch them as their figures fade. I watch them slam the door shut. I watch his father curse over and over and his mom cry loud. I was watching them while also holding Donghyuck in my arms.

"Are they gone?"

I hug him tight and don't answer. I felt his arms wrap around me as he sobs.

"God…" I puff out a long breath. "How did I even let him hurt you?"

"I'm fine, hyung." He is crying and yet he says he's fine.

I gently hold his red cheeks that just got slapped by his father and my own eyes heats up. I can't bear to see him hurt. The thought of me, doing nothing before his father lifted a hand on him, gave me all the regrets to feel in this world.

"I'm sorry." I cry on his neck. "I shouldn't have let him hurt you. I should've done everything in my power to have you safe. I'm so sorry, baby. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."

"I hurted you so much, Donghyuck. I'm sorry."

"No…" He smiles, tears falling still. "You fill me up. You make me happy and you make me feel safe. Don't ever think like that again. We're already over it, okay?"

An angel. I don't deserve you.

I kiss his forehead and rub my thumbs on either sides of his cheeks. It was the best thing after seeing him cry because I felt him loosen up and he's not tensed anymore.

My heart is beating so fast inside of me and I'm sure that the reason is him. He is the reason for every stomach flippings and fast heartbeats. No one could compare.

"Live with me." I breathe out on his hair. "I will take care of you."

I'm certain what his father said earlier are things that he'd do, so I'd rather start an action now to keep both my child and Donghyuck safe.

"Is it okay?" He huffs. "You don't have much money anymore. Renjun told me." He wails out but all I did was laugh.

"I can find other jobs. I can work for you. For us. I will do anything there is to fulfill everything that you need."

He nods. "I want to live with you."

Damn it. Should I also just ask him to marry me? Would that be too much?

"Is there anything else that hurts?" I ask in a  whisper. "Tell me."

"My heart." He replies to me and huff. "Hyung… I'm not going to be a parent like them, hyung. I will always take care of my child. I will attend to my child's needs and I will always always make it feel loved. I won't make them feel what I felt before."

"Let's do that." I gave him a kiss on his temples, once again. "Our child will have all the love from us Donghyuck. We won't hurt it. And we will always make it feel loved. And for you, I'm not going to make you feel like what you felt before. I'm not going to leave you alone. I will stay by your side and protect you."

Damn, this is when I realize how much I love Donghyuck. To the point that I can risk my own life for him. I love him so much. Hell, when will I ever get the chance to say this to him?

"Thank you Melt." He sniffles cutely. Lifted himself up and to my shock, he kisses my lips firmly. It lasted longer than what I anticipated for.

"I'm going to do the same for you. So please, let me in. Don't shut me off. Always let me know what you have at the back of your head." Our foreheads meet. "Let me protect you too."

Fuck it you stupid heart, calm yourself.

"I'm sorry for sulking early this morning. I'm sorry for being mad at you." He says on top of my lips and I can't resist it anymore, especially when he's this close.

I kiss him. Shove my lips on top of him firmly and pull his waist to meet my chest. I could feel his hot breath over me and how his chest heaves up and down. He encircles his arms around me.

Damn, I love you, so much.

"And I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier." I pant out. "I got scared of losing you over an accident and I snapped. I'm sorry, baby."

He giggles and kisses me again. "It's okay, baby…"

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