I huffed and continued eating.

Lorenzo's eyes were still burning on me. "Look, I'll talk to him. Don't worry, okay? I'm sorry we didn't speak up sooner. I mean—. We thought he'd cool down by now—."

"Yeah, I really thought he was going to chill out—." Onyx's hand found placement on my thigh.

"It's alright," I replied flatly. "Just know I refuse to talk to him until you guys knock some sense into him."

Lorenzo placed his hand over his heart. "You have my word, darling."

Rolling my eyes, I finished the rest of my food as he softly chuckled in response to my annoyance.


"I don't know why you're even friends with that group!" Hermione yapped.

We walked alongside one another as we wondered about the realms of Hogsmeade. The formation starts with Harry, me, Hermione, and Ron. Hermione's arms were linked with mine as we spoke about our first day back.

We didn't exactly have a set destination. We walked in stores and window-shopped.

"Now, the only intolerable person is Malfoy. You know the rest are nice to me," I defended. "Plus, Onyx and Lorenzo love you."

She was stubborn. "Still can't believe that dense Hat put you in Slytherin," Hermione grunted. "You aren't like them, Luce."

"Which is exactly what makes me different," I replied. "Can we not talk about my dreadful first day back? Tell me how yours went."

"Well, Luna and I were knitting scarves. She's thinking about selling a few on the side for the holidays," Hermione paused to think. "Oh! Which reminds me! Apparently, she and Lorenzo got together over break for two days? I refused to hear any details. The thought of Slytherins and Ravenclaws, y'know, together, make me squeamish."

I shook my head and laughed. "You're so...extra. Slytherclaw relationships seem pretty powerful. A potential dominant pair, but you're not ready for that conversation."

Ron scoffed. Hermione and I turned to face him.

"Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, you mean?" Ron arched his brow. "Now that's a dominant pair."

"A pair in terms of one dom and one sub," Harry added.

"Harry!" I blurted out loud.

"What? Am I wrong? It's written on paper!"

"The school drama newspaper does not count," Hermione badgered. "Who even wrote that grotesque column about the roles of each House in a relationship?"

"Lavender Brown," Ron murmured with a smile.

"Of course she did," Hermione bickered. "People say she gets tossed around like a—."

"Okay, okay. The slander ends here, Mione," Ron lifted his hands out of surrender. "She wrote a supposedly inaccurate column, though that doesn't mean she—."

"Gets tossed around like a whor—."

"Mione, bloody hell," I retorted. "Never knew you had it out for her."

"I do not!" Hermione grunted. Silence gathered in the group before she let out an exaggerated huff. "I don't! She's—. She's—. A nice person."

"Whatever you say, Hermione," I said.

We found ourselves heading to The Three Broomsticks and took a seat at a vacant table. Receiving our menus, the group already knew what they wanted.

Filthy ; DM + LB ; 2024 RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now