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Are y'all excited?!? Me? Tbh scared LOL I hope u guys like it I mean enjoy the ride babes <3

Xylia Drystan ♡︎

Here we go again another year at Hogwarts...
I can't believe this will be my 4th year at the school, I mean after making a fool out of myself last year..geez how embarrassing of myself.

I get on the train to find a seat because what the actual fuck there are so many students in this school that if u don't make it before 2/4 of the students you'll have to sit with the 1st years...
yeah speaking from experience never again but thank god I was saved by my now besties Nyx Rorwern and Pansy Parkinson.

I'm looking around for a open seat when I heard a familiar voice call my name

"Hey Xylia! Come over here I saved you a seat"

I turn and saw Nyx waving her hands at me. I quickly run to her. Oh how much I missed my best friends

She gave me a hug and said "sit next to me before the boys take up all the space"
I chuckled at what she said and I couldn't lie she was right.


25 mins past and finally the train starts to leave Kings Cross.

I look out the window looking at the parents who are saying their good byes to their children...I wished I had that...I just have a aunt who's too busy for me anyways

"Xylia..? Hello earth go Xylia!"

I turned away from the window to see who's intruding my thoughts

"Huh sorry what do you want?" I say in a hurry before making eye contact with them.

"So you can't even make eye contact with I make u nervous Xylia?"

I look up to see Mattheo talking to me

"No I just can't stand you face" I said back

Blaise and Pansy started to laugh and Mattheo smacked Blaise in the head causing him to stop giggling.

"How was your summer Xylia?" Pansy says to me as she put a pumpkin pastie in her mouth

"Yeah Xyi how was ur summer" Blaise commented after Pansy

To be very honest I dreaded was just so tiring. "It was great how about you guys" I said to them with a weak smile

Before anyone could even answer Cyirus walks in

"Hey whores aren't y'all excited to see me?

"Oh well I guess someone drinked a little too much this morning huh" I say to him as he sits next to Blaise and Mattheo.

Pansy took a wiff of Cyirus then covering her nose quickly "Oh bloody hell you reak of firewhiskey"

Blaise starts to cover his nose too "Yeah mate you smell and look like shit."

I couldn't help myself but laugh a little then I pulled out a blanket because I know damn well I was about to take a good ass nap. I mean it does take around 8-9 hours until we reach Hogwarts.

—— 4 hours in on the ride to Hogwarts ——

I wake up hearing Nyx and Mattheo making side conversation
"at least tell me you brought some"
"Of course I did stupid"
"Don't call me stupid Mattheo "
"Well you are stupid"

Blaise chimes in
"Will you two get a fucking room and shut the fuck up people are trying to sleep"

I giggle a little and opened my eyes to see Pansy busy sleeping on my lap, Nyx making faces at Mattheo, Mattheo making faces back, Cyirus sleeping on Blaise's shoulder and Blaise peacefully looking out the window.

a turning page -Draco Malfoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें