Truth or Dare

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Hermione's POV

Its the last party of the year before we graduate.Every eighth year is here in one place.The Slytherins brought the idea to play truth or dare and here we are all of us sitting in a circle waiting for someone to start.Ron went first and decided to ask Pansy truth or dare.Pansy chose dare and Ron dared her to take off three parts of clothing, so she took off her socks, her sweater, and her belt.Now it was Pansy's turn to ask someone truth or dare and she chose me.

"Truth or dare granger."

"Truth" I say.She taps on her chin with her finger trying to figure something to say then she finally says."Is it true that Weasley kissed you in the chamber of secrets and you rejected him."

I hoped no one brought that up, but of course one can only hope.I looked at Ron and his cheeks were red with embarrassment.

"Yes it is true that I rejected Ron in the chamber of secrets.I only think of him as a friend.I didn't even know he liked me so when he kissed me that night I was shocked that I didn't know what to do that was I finally came to the realization that only think of him as a friend and I pushed him away." Everyone was staring at me when I finished talking.

It was then my turn so I asked Harry truth or dare.

"Truth or dare, Harry."

"Truth" he says.

"Come Potter where's ur Gryffindor courage." says Blaise.

"Ok Harry are you in love with Ginny."

Harry looks at me straight in the eyes with wide eyes then finally says "Yes I'm in love Ginny.I think deep down I've always been in love her."

When saying that last part he wasn't looking at me no more he was looking at Ginny."Woah their Potter save the eye fucking for later," says Draco.Harry finally stops staring at ginny.He finally asks Draco "truth or dare, Malfoy."


"Ok are you dating someone at the moment."

"Didn't know you were interested in my dating life Potter, but yes I am dating someone." Everyone looked at him shocked.No one knew he was dating someone, not even his best mates.

"Now moving on from me, Weasley do you still like Granger."

I look at Ron and he gets rosy cheeks.He finally answers Draco's question and replies with "Yes I still do like Hermione."  I stare at him in shock I didn't know he still liked me I thought he moved on like I did.Damn Draco for asking him that question.

"Hermione I was hoping that you would like to go on a date with me to Hogsmeade." I didn't  know how to tell that I was dating the enemy.

"Um Ron, Im sorry but I have a boyfriend," I reply with a straight face.

His face goes into shock and everyone stares at me in complete shock and confusion.No one knew I was dating someone.

"Your suppose to be in love with me Hermione, so you better tell me who this bloke is and we're going to go up to him and you're gonna break up with him," Ron says with a mad face.

"Not a chance weasel," I hear Draco say next to me.

"Your dating this wanker.C'mon Hermione you could do a better job." says Ron

"Actually Ron I am quite happy with Draco so if you don't mind could you stop talking shit about boyfriend please and thank you."

"C'mon Harry your ok with Hermione dating this death eater scum."

"Honestly Ron, if Hermione is happy with Malfoy then I will learn to accept him." And with that Ron stormed out of the room with a face with anger.

"When did this happen," Harry ask when Ron leaves.

"About 7 months ago Draco apologized to me and we got closer then four months ago he asked me on a date and ever since then we've been dating," I say with a smile on my face.

"As long as he treats you right  and he doesn't break your heart I will learn to accept him."

"Thanks Potter, Hermione was really worried you wouldn't accept our relationship and hearing you say that finally took a weight off her chest and don't worry I will treat Granger like the princess she is.

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