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Luffy was looking for (Y/n). The rest of the crew was working on their usual stuff, so he wanted to go hang out with (Y/n) that was usually down to play with him. But she's no where to be seen.

"Robin, do you know where (Y/n) is?" the captain asks. "Have you checked the girls' room?" she responds, smiling. "Oh, I haven't! Thanks!" he beamed happily.

As he left, the crew glanced slowly towards the room, hoping to see (Y/n) as well. While their captain may not have been aware of this incident, since (Y/n) asked the crew not to mention it to him, she had been crying silently one day as a result of her insecurities getting the best of her. Everyone was silently hoping that she was just waking up late, and at the very least, that Luffy could cheer her up; he always makes her smile.

"Oi! (Y/n)!!" Luffy says as he walks into the room. Silence only responding back to his call. He walks around the room, looking at Nami's bed first, then Robin's, and finally it landed on (Y/n)'s. There was a book on it, which at first Luffy brushed off, until he saw (Y/n)'s name written on it and a bookmark inside it.

"What's this?" the raven-head asked himself. He sat down and began to read a bit before the bookmark. "Oh look! This is when we went to Skypiea!" He said to himself, grinning widely as he read the recollections of the adventures they shared. Then he reached one page, titled "Luffy". He wasn't quite sure why (Y/n) wrote his name, so he read what was written there.

I'm so glad I met Luffy!! He's such an amazing guy. I love the way he smiles, the way he's so unapologetically himself. He's so beautiful. I never feel afraid around him, and it's just the greatest thing. He's so childish, and while others might find that annoying, I honestly don't. He's perfect just as he is, well at least in my eyes. I know he can be a handful, but I don't care. I want to help him always, I want to be by his side as much as he will let me. I know he may never understand the feelings I have for him, no matter how many times Robin tells me otherwise, but this is good enough. While it'll hurt if he ended up happy with someone else, just being his friend has given me so much joy. I wish I could do more to give him so much joy too.

Luffy was both happy and confused about what he had read, it made him feel warm inside, but he didn't quite understand what it meant. He made a mental note to ask Robin later, she seems to know a lot. But he didn't really get what (Y/n) wrote about him not understanding her feelings, or him being happy with someone else. He was happy with a lot of people, so it wasn't very clear to him her intentions.

Content with what he read, he decided to turn to the next page that happened to be the one with the bookmark, hoping to keep reading more things that made him feel warm. But it was the complete opposite; in fact it frustrated him.

Today just isn't my day. I tried, I really tried to say affirmations to myself out loud. Like 'You are beautiful', 'You are worthy' , 'Your body shape is fine the way it is', 'It's just the clothes it has nothing to do with you', 'You will be fine'. I tried, but I'm not okay. I'm tired of my body never looking good in clothes that I want to try. I try to ask Nami and Robin for help, but their clothes just don't suit me. Sometimes I look too wide at top, or maybe I just don't look feminine. I try to tell myself that it's just the clothes, but a part of me just tells me it's me. That I'm just not pretty enough. It just wasn't meant for me to be a beauty.

Luffy noticed that there was tear stains on it. His heart ached for (Y/n), he didn't understand why she would think this way. He wishes to make her happy again. He went to go find Robin and Nami, he felt like those two might understand the situation more than him and could help him out a bit with his plan.


(Y/n) had come out of a secret room Franky built for her so that she can recollect her thoughts. Franky and (Y/n) both decided it would be better for her to hide a bit and calm down, than for her to potentially harm herself. Franky was always there to listen to her if she needed it. Franky didn't tell the rest of the crew about the room out of respect for (Y/n); he understood that sometimes she just needed to be alone for a bit without people questioning her.

(Y/n) scans the area, looking for Franky to let him know that she's calmed down. "Hey" she says to him softly, "I'm back." Franky looks at her, hugging her gently, "I'm SUPER glad that you're back, but those thoughts of yours aren't very cool. Here's a SUPER (favorite drink), I asked Sanji to make one for you. I didn't tell him where you were, just that I had an idea".

(Y/n) took the drink from his hand and thanked him for always taking care of her when her brain couldn't. They hugged once more, and then she left to go on the dock. She rested her arms on the railing, staring out into the vast ocean before her, taking in the world around her.

"(Y/n)-san, can you come with me for a moment?" Brook asked (Y/n). At first she was a bit skeptical, but then took his hand and let him lead her to their destination. They were at the girls' room, and in it was Robin and Nami with a bunch of makeup kits.

"What's this about?" (Y/n) asked confused. "Let's just say a certain someone asked us to help them," Nami replied with a wink. (Y/n) wasn't quite sure what Nami meant, but she let Robin guide her to the chair. "We need you to close your eyes; let's say we're going to give you a full glam makeover," Robin says with a smile. Hesitant at first, (Y/n) looked around and then agreed.

Nami had given (Y/n) a very classy look while Robin changed (Y/n)'s clothes with her extra hands. (Y/n) was told by both of the girls not to look. Then Robin grabbed (Y/n)'s hand gently, leading her somewhere that felt like the back of the ship. Then (Y/n) felt another pair of hands hold her's, a familiar pair.

"Open your eyes (Y/n)." a childish voice said. (Y/n) opens her eyes, to see the one person who never fails to make her smile, along with a tall mirror. (Y/n) had her mouth wide open. She was wearing his clothes, along with an incredibly done makeup. She felt so beautiful at that moment that she began to tear up, but she also giggled a bit at the thought of her wearing his clothes.

"Here", Luffy says, placing his straw hat on your head, "now the look is complete." Luffy stands there, with a big grin, very satisfied at the results of his plan.

"Luffy, did you plan this? Why?" (Y/n) asks. "Well, I found out from a certain book that you weren't feeling pretty. I didn't really get why; you're very pretty to me, so I asked Robin about this. She explained that it's called being 'insecure', but I didn't like that you were sad. I don't really know much about these things, so I asked them how I can make it better. So they helped me with the makeup, and I gave them my clothes because I read that you think I'm beautiful, so if you're wearing my clothes, then you HAVE to think you're beautiful too. I didn't really get the page with my name on it, but I asked Robin and Nami and apparently you love me. I love everyone though, so I thought it was like friends. But they explained it to me, and I love you too!! So please don't be sad anymore, you're very beautiful to me!" Luffy replied, hugging (Y/n).

A lot of emotions ran through (Y/n). She was a bit embarrassed that he read her diary, but she was also very happy that he went out of his way to help her. She wasn't so sure how to respond at first; she was pretty flustered.

"Luffy, that's so sweet of you. Thank you, I love you too!" (Y/n) tells him.

"So, you're not sad anymore?" Luffy asks (Y/n).

(Y/n) giggles softly, "no, I'm not sad anymore."
"Then does that mean I can kiss you?" Luffy asks.
"Huh?" (Y/n) responds with a blush on her face.
"Well, Robin told me that if two people love each other, then they kiss on the lips. And we both love each other, so can we? Nami told me I should ask first." The raven-head responded.

(Y/n) grabbed his cheeks softly, and placed a soft passionate kiss on his lips. Luffy was a bit shocked at first, but then he responded by kissing back.

"Shishishi, so, now I'm supposed to ask you to be my girlfriend! Will you?" The young captain asked with a smile.

"Of course," (Y/n) answered, giving her now-boyfriend another kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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