"You must be Fabian West, we've been expecting you." The teacher said. She was older and very grouchy looking. "Class this is Fabian he is a new student here please greet him with respect. Carlos raise your hand, Fabian will be sitting next to you."

I walked over to my seat and heard someone whisper "fresh meat" I looked for who ever said that but couldn't figure it out so I sat down.

"Hey newbie" some guy said, I look up and it was Carlos. "I know those peppy office bitches told you those rumors weren't true but spoiler alert they are more than true so I would watch yourself." He said, I nodded in return.

I bet he was just trying to scare me. I wont fall for any of that. From what I've learned at my other school the kids just want to get a rile out of you and find your weakest point to pick on. While I won't take any chances I wont let it ruin my view on this school.

Sooner that it started the bell rang indicating it's time for 2nd period. Someone pushed past me making me fall back into my desk.

"Watch it fresh meat" A girl said walking past me.

I stood back up and went on my way to my 2nd period. I walked through the crowded hallway receiving glared and giggles. How do they already know I'm new. Suddenly I heard a yelp and turned around to see some guy getting punched by this seemingly older girl. Almost instantly a circle formed around them. He didn't try and hurt her back but his defenses were horrible.


"I'm sorry it was an accident please stop I'm sorry." he said covering his face.

"ACCIDENT MY ASS YOU PERVERT." She screamed. Suddenly someone came up behind her.

"Justice come on admin will be here any minute I'm sure you've hurt him well enough his nose looks smashed." The girl behind apparently Justice said. They both walked away as someone of staff came up and told us to go to class.

I sat in my 2nd period as I heard people around me all talking about the fight and I couldn't stop thing about it. At least my arrival wasn't the center of attention anymore. Just as I thought that some girl came and sat on my desk, I looked up to see the blue haired girl again.

"Hey," she said grabbing my face. "We talked earlier and you seem nice so here's a little warning. This school is exactly whatever you think it is. I saw you looking at my shoes earlier and to convince you I'm not fucking with you, it's not paint." She winked and ran off. I felt my eyes all wide and tried to gather myself. That's two people who have given me a warning. Its relieving that they care but nerve wracking that so many people will try and get me because I'm new.

Eventually lunch came around and feeling a bit over whelmed I went to the bathroom to eat. I went in a stall and sat on the toilet. I opened my backpack and pulled out a bag of chips. Suddenly I heard two people come in giggling so I stopped eating and got really quiet.

"I recommend if anyone's in here that they get out now unless you want to die today". A man said as I heard the big stall door slam closed followed by giggling and kissing noises.

Oh no, I thought to myself. There wasn't enough time to leave so I sat quietly in my stall waiting for them to leave. But just as I suspected things and noises escalated. I heard zippers and moaning so I decided to put in earbuds to drown it out. I watched some shows on my phone while the couple did their thing. I heard the bathroom door open and I heard some staff come in.

"You two in the last stall. We have been getting noise complaints come out we are seeing the principle." A older masculine voice said.

The couple completely ignored him and they loudly finished. They came out of the stall after 5 minutes of the staff yelling at them and they all left. Not long after the bell rang. Thank god.

My next couple periods were normal well except for my last one, drama. I came in and the teacher excitedly looked at me and came over to me.

"Everyone sit in your seats! This is our new student Fabian West, please give him a warm welcome. Now are there any empty seats next to anyone?" The teacher said as a muscular guy raised his hand. "Great! Fabian you'll be seated next to Cyrus."

I made my way over to Cyrus. He smiled and pat his hand on my seat indicating for me to sit down. I sat by him. He was beautiful, with shaggy and fluffy black hair, bright blue eyes, a strong build and a warm aura.

"I'm Cyrus which you probably already guessed. How have you been liking it so far?" he asked looking at me and smiling.

"It's okay, people keep warning me about the rumors and such I'm trying to not give it any mind but it's hard."

"Don't let it bother you too much. I'm sure you'll be fine. We live in a high crime rate area so of course bad things will happen but just watch out alright." he said patting my shoulder. This is the nicest someone has been to me, I appreciate it.

After school I began my long walk home. Everyone seemed in such a rush to get home but I just calmly walked out of the school and around the corner. My house was about a 30 minute walk so I played music in my earbuds. This always helped me when I was walking anywhere because I felt like I was in a music video. I started dancing almost as I walked. I noticed people staring but I didn't care because it was fun. I turned a corner into this alley way meaning I was almost home. Suddenly I felt someone push me to the ground making my earbuds fall out.

I turned around and saw Carlos.

"I was hoping I could get you like this." He said standing over me. I tried to get up but he stomped on my chest, hard. I let out a groan.

"Oh you're not leaving you're mine. I warned you didn't I? You didn't take me seriously did you. Well now look at you! Helpless! Are you gonna cry pussy!" He kicked me when he said that. I tried crawling away but he jumped on top of me.

"Oh don't think you can get away. This isn't my first time you know." He punched me in the jaw and I screamed.

"Oh hush no one will help you! They don't care! You'll die here and no one will even notice." He punched me in the nose and I felt blood pour out.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment, for someone like you to show up, the perfect target. You believe me now! Well it's too late because tonight's the night you oh so tragically die and everyone will know it was me. My status will raise yet again!" He said. He pulled me to my feet just to kick me down.

"Please. Stop." I almost whispered.

"Today is the day you d-" he said.

A loud bang filled the alleyway. I closed my eyes and curled into a ball. Then a thud.

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