Ghost From the Past

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but let a small smile form on my face. I've realized now why I've been so off recently. I forgot how much I've missed battling with Ryuga! I've had good battles after the Nemesis crisis with rivals like Kyoya, King, and Aguma. Not to mention a few with Kenta and Masamune, but they never could compare to the kind of battles I had with Ryuga.

Why didn't I realize the reason for this slump before? I feel like an idiot!

"You're right Ryuga, I have been slacking with my training. Thank you for helping me realize that." I told Ryuga as a new kind of energy filled my bones. One that I hadn't felt for a long time.

Oh how I've missed this! I kept telling myself. I felt alive again... renewed with a passion.

"Alright, go Pegasus!!!"

Pegasus began spinning faster as our spirits united and truly become one. I could feel Pegasus and surely Pegasus felt me too. With our spirits united, Pegasus took off with a new energy that matched mine.

This battle is just getting started...

Still in Smash Mode, Pegasus collided with L-Drago fiercely, however L-Drago wouldn't give up. Both beys locked with each other, testing their strength, seeing who would trump the other. Pegasus found the power first and pushed L-Drago away.

Without leaving much breathing time in between, Pegasus went in again and again attacking L-Drago with great power. You could see L-Drago has a slight rock in its spin. Pegasus retreated back waiting for its next command.

Ryuga looked down at L-Drago then back at me. He was still calm and in control even as L-Drago was losing stamina.

"It's starting to look better, but still pathetic." He criticized with no shame.

"When I promised I'd come back to battle you, I was hoping for a more intense battle than this kids' show, but I guess I expected too much of you Gingka. I should have just stayed with.... eh forget it."

Well that's weird. He hesitated for once...

"Well don't you worry Ryuga the battle's just getting started! Go Pe-"

"No Gingka, this battle is over." He said cutting me off.

"Huh?" I asked bewildered by his words.

"Listen up Gingka, If you choose to battle, you need to decide that before you even launch! That is what separates bladers from true bladers. True bladers do not decide they'll commit halfway through the match. True bladers commit to their battle before they even ready their launcher! True bladers put their very life on the line so they can be the best that they could possibly be! Remember that Gingka... L-Drago!" Ryuga reminded me coldly.

Before I could even process what he told me, L-Drago changed modes, then started spinning faster to increase its speed.

"Oh yeah one more thing, do me a favor and don't tell anyone you saw me will you?" Before I'm even given a chance to respond Ryuga called out his special move.

"Dragon Emperor Supreme Flight!!!!"

"Ahhh! Uh, Pegasus-!" Before I even called out my special move to counter, L-Drago connected with Pegasus, causing a huge explosion across the clearing.

"AHHHHHHAHA" I cried out. I felt myself leaving the ground only to be slammed into it the next. When the smoke finally cleared I found myself lying on my stomach. I lifted my head up to see Pegasus lying there unmoving in front of me.

I tried looking but there was no trace of Ryuga anywhere. He was just gone...

I grabbed Pegasus and held it tightly in my hand. "I-I can't believe I just lost... to a ghost at that."

Suddenly someone in the distance called out to me.

"Gingka! Gingka are you okay?"

It was Kenta and Benkei. They came over and helped sit me up from my fall.

"Gingka, hey pal you alright there?" Benkei asked concerned.

"Yeah what happened here Gingka?" Kenta asked as well.

I didn't hear much of what they were saying because my eyes were locked in a trance, glued to the spot where I last saw Ryuga.

One more thing, do me a favor and don't tell anyone you saw me will you?

Ryuga's words echoed across my mind like swarming bats.

"Gingka, HEY GINGKA!!" Benkei yelled as he shook me from my thoughts.

"Ahhhh! What, what do you want!" I finally said snapping out of my thoughts and back into reality.

"Gingka are you sure you're okay? What happened here?" Kenta asked again.

"I-it was him." I told them vaguely.

"Huh? Who Gingka?" Kenta pressured me.

"R... H-Hakan."

"The new blader? He-he did all this and defeated you?!" Benkei now asked.

"Yeah... he-he did."

Kenta and Benkei began talking back and forth to each other. I tuned them out and returned to my thoughts.

I guess I expected too much of you Gingka I should have just stayed with.... eh forget it.

His words still fresh on my mind, stung my pride like a bullet ant and echoed through every little nook of my head constantly.

I don't think I have ever felt so mentally defeated in a battle before. But what hurts is he's right. I haven't truly enjoyed battling for a while now and it's starting to show if Ryuga's could figure that out within minutes of us battling.

The next question was where he went. Where are you going Ryuga? Where can I find you?? I need to find you...

...and what were you talking about... where should you have stayed?

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