Chapter 2: Things Between Us

Comenzar desde el principio

"No, it's her problem if she can't keep track of time. Speaking of which, where is my sister?"

The corners of Zelda's mouth quirked down, making her displeasure obvious.

"Oh, yes. She just told me she couldn't attend because Sabrina has some sort of dress emergency," Nick spluttered.

Zelda rolled her eyes, "What did I do to deserve these women in my life, huh?" She scoffed, not expecting an answer.

Nick didn't give one and just clawed the chair, picking at a frayed piece of fabric there, reminding himself why he was doing this and that it'd be worth it.

"So, you know why you're here, I assume?"

Nick gave a quick nod, pressing his thighs together to sit as straight as possible, "Of course, Ma'am."

"And?" Zelda quipped, her impatience with him becoming more obvious.

She cocked an eyebrow at him, narrowing her eyes and lazily twirling the cigarette holder between her fingers.

"Oh, yes, um, wasn't sure you wanted me to speak yet..." he stuttered, feeling heat creep up to his face.

"Well if you don't want to then be so kind and send the boy who wants to marry my niece in, " Zelda said plainly, pretending to pick up the papers again and dismiss him.

She couldn't be honest, could she? Why did this woman have to make everything so damn difficult?

"No, no. It's me, I-"

"I don't have all day, Mr Scratch. So will you make your case now or not?"

She placed the papers down, tilting her head slightly to the side whilst taking a long drag from her cigarette.

"Of course," he cleared his throat, "Mrs Spellman, as you know, your niece, Sabrina, and I share a very deep bond and we... Well, we've overcome every obstacle life has thrown at us, even death..."

He felt he would pass out from the pressure of this moment, knowing he couldn't screw this up.

"Good thing you mentioned it. You know I'm all for culture and theater but this Shakespearean exit of yours was a bit over the top, don't you think?"

Her eyes narrowed as she looked directly at him, awaiting his answer.

Nick scratched his neck, sweat breaking out on his forehead and he felt as if Zelda was staring right at the drops forming there. He knew his answer had to be the right one or this would be over before he'd even got to the point.

"I can see that, Mrs Spellman but-"

"And how can I be sure you won't indulge in such grotesque notions again?"

She didn't bother to look at him when she spoke, just tapped the falling ash from her cigarette and took another slow drag.

"I won't, I can assure you. What I was trying to say. Since you're Sabrina's..."

And that was the tricky part he had been trying to avoid. He was fumbling now, the steely stare from Zelda making him look down at his shoes.

Technically, she was her aunt and he wasn't in the position to say anything else, yet he knew Zelda saw herself very much as Sabrina's mother. So what should he go for?

"Since you're the most important female figure in Sabrina's life... You've raised her to be the powerful witch and woman she is... It is of the utmost importance for me to have your blessing."

Zelda pushed herself up from her seat, stubbing the cigarette in the ashtray and picking up the pointing stick on her desk, sliding her fingers along it as if to admire the firm piece of wood.

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