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Hi, hello, and welcome! If you've read the description, thank you, thank you! But I just want to go over it one more time. This book is just my opinion and thoughts on certain subjects. So please if you disagree I do respect you but please don't post a whole negative paragraph about how you either disagree, strongly, or hate my opinion, thank you! I would like to hear your thoughts on this story as well as your opinions on the topics we go over. With that all cleared up let's start!

I'm sure we've all heard of the term shipping, it's when two or more characters are brought to a romantic or platonic relationship that is canon or not(fanon). But sometimes shipping gets too out of hand and becomes toxic, that's what we're here to talk about. When shipping becomes toxic it takes the fun out of it or having something to like in a positive way. You should like what you like and respect what other people like as well. Bashing them on the head with shame and negative comments won't change anything other than your ego or how you look.

It's okay to dislike a ship, you don't have to like all of them. But when you spread your hatred for that ship, that's when it gets out of hand. Let's make a scenario, you might not like Miu x Kiibo but that doesn't mean you should spread all of your negative comments to those who love the ship. It's just really unfair, and you wouldn't like it if someone came up to you and talked trash about your ship right in your face. That's why it enrages me when someone disrespects others' opinions just because they disagree with their opinion(s).

From experience in fandoms I've had a hard time finding the right group to hang out with because everybody just went full-on attack mode when I said I shipped a certain ship. Shipping a certain ship that you don't like doesn't automatically make me a bad person, it may make me a person hard to get along with, or someone with very different interests, but that doesn't mean you should totally hate on me. We all have different opinions, and we should each respect each others'.

Shipping can also come in an illegal form. . .I'm guessing you know what I mean. It can also come in a disgusting and gross way too. Now I completely understand why you may spread negativity and hate towards the people who ship ships like these but I still think it's unnecessary. I personally feel like we shouldn't hang around or talk to these people instead of interacting with them and talking about a sensitive topic that may be hurtful towards others. That's my view on this section of our topic.

Also, if you do run into a toxic argument try to find a way to get out of it or take it somewhere else. Oh and most importantly don't ever gang up on somebody, that's just straight up wrong. I've had people gang up on me because I shipped Saioma and they shipped something else. They also managed to get people who didn't even witness the ganging up to block me. 😂

Anyways, this is the end of this first chapter, thanks for reading this! I truly do appreciate it because I have a hard time explaining my thoughts to others. As always, have a nice day/afternoon/night! -💙💜

Word Count: 573

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