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My room was surprisingly comfortable. East even allowed me to have a television. I turned on FOX13 and there stood my husband in tears giving a press conference about my kidnapping.

Whoever you are please return my wife safely to me. We are asking the public to keep our family uplifted in prayer until Christina is returned to us. Baby if you can hear me I love you be strong I won't stop at nothing to locate you and to those of you who are involved return her in safe condition to me she's my wife and our family misses her dearly.

I even thought I saw a tear or two fall from Tryone's eyes. He was going to turn this into one big publicity stunt. It actually benefits him to have me kidnapped all the press coverage I know he's eating it up...bitch ass. As soon as I'm released I'm divorcing his ass but I always say that and never do. Tyrone was my first everything and even through all of the mistresses and debt I've stayed. I'm at a point where I think I enjoy the hurt he gives me this is insane.

I heard clapping and looked up to see Ms. Build a Body I mean Sympathy standing in my doorway with a smirk on her face.

"That's so sweet maybe that nigga will pay my man his money so we can get you home girlfriend" she laughed.

I had enough of her. I'm about to beat her ass.

"Boss you might wanna get up here!" my security yelled.
I ran up the stairs to see what was going on and what a sight it was to witness.
Christina bougie ass was beating the shit out of Sympathy.
I let her get a few more swings in before we separated them but not before Christina decked me too.
I fought the urge to hit her ass back and grabbed Sympathy dragging her to my room.

"What the fuck is your problem Sympathy?"

"She hit me first!"

"Why the fuck were you in her room anyways? Stay the fuck away from her before I put your ass out!"

"Put me out? Over that bitch?"

"Watch your mouth."

"Watch my mouth? Why all of a sudden are you defending her?"

"I ain't defending her I'm tryna to keep the peace. When her man pays me we're done with her but I need her in perfect condition until then I ain't tryna hurt her she's collateral."

"Whatever if I didn't say so myself I think you got a crush on her."

"And if I did what the fuck your gone do about it? Exactly."

Sympathy looked at me with disgust before turning around and marching downstairs and out of my damn way. I need to go handle my unruly house guest......

The Mayor's Wife: Dave & Christina Where stories live. Discover now