"What's wrong?" he said, pausing and looking into my eyes.

"I feel like we should take a break from all the . . . intimacy. Or at least, try to dial it down a little." I hoped he wouldn't find my request insulting.

"Why," he breathed as he continued to kiss me, not heeding my words.

I loved the attention, but I sighed in disapproval.  "Shoto wait. Stop."

He stopped and looked at me, confused.

"You know how you said you thought it was best to not have sex? Something about wanting to be on more dates?"

". . ."

"I feel like we're taking advantage of the fact that we happen to be living together. I don't want our relationship to be based on never being able to have a full conversation before we start licking one another's faces off. I think we should chill." I gave him the most serious face I could muster. 

"I thought about that too," he answered, "I'm sorry." He let my arms down and innocently kissed me on the forehead. "Sometimes it's you're fault though for being so damn pretty."

I grinned, and tried to avoid becoming a blushing mess. "I guess I kinda want to be a cute couple and do cute 'couple things' and not just live up to the term of 'crazy hormonal teenagers'."

Shoto gently played with my short hair, brushing it out of my face. "So, how about one of our New Year resolutions is that we stop making out most of the time, and I'll take you on proper dates once we're no longer fugitives."

I giggled. "Deal."

"Okay, but for now I really need to go, I'll see you later?"

"Where are you going?" I asked again just in case I could get him to accidentally say. It was a bust.

"I told you it was a secret." Shoto left me for the door, and gave me his charming smirk before leaving.

I stood there, now alone in the room. I went to the couch and sat down again, clearing my head. I touched the butterfly necklace around my neck and thought of Kaito and the others. I hadn't talked to them much because I wasn't sure if the call was being traced. I was afraid the wrong people would be able to find where Shoto and I were living. 

I sat up again, feeling uneasy as I pulled out my cell phone. I needed to know how Kaito was. I needed to know if there was a lead on where we were. I hated knowing nothing. 

What if I go outside? I'll take the train to another city and call him from there, then come back so that if it's traced they would head to the wrong place. I won't tell him any details where I am, because it would be better the less he knew. It was a crazy and dangerous idea. If I got caught out there, I wasn't sure what Shoto would do if he came back to an empty apartment. 

As long as I'm careful and I'm quick to come back before Shoto does, everything will be okay.

I grabbed my coat and my scarf. I tried wrapping my scarf over my ears, nose and mouth so I wouldn't be identified. Hopefully my cut hair would also aid in making me unrecognizable. Lastly I snatched a combat knife, with a small handgun and slipped them in my bag. It would be stupid to go out unarmed.

Shot Through The Heart   (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant