The first diwali I spent with him will always bear a special place in my heart. we had not confessed, but the growing feelings between us were so strong. even the littlest proximity, light as feather touches and bare minimum eye contact had filled my stomach with butterflies and tingles all over from my head to toe which changed my brain chemistry altogether. we spent the day together having fun and in the evening we were with all the other cast members, which I don't remember much cause I was busy stealing glances from him across the room and shying away from his gaze which held promises, of love, and all those fictional things which I once dreamt of.

The last diwali was even more special.. after all it was the first diwali spent with his family (which is now rightfully my family). we were shopping that entire week, outfits, gifts for family and decorating our little sweet home.

The festival day had started off with him waking me up by peppering my entire face with sweet kisses, his fingers tangled in my tousled hair, and whispering in my ear "happy diwali, love" and biting my earlobe right after.

Post a few more cuddles and kisses we got out of the bed, did our usual routine, brushed together side by side, showered and got ready. (nope we didn't shower together, I quickly escaped his hold cause I had so much preparation to do and showering together always ends up in...well.. I couldn't take the risk of getting tired right in the morning.)

Decorating the home wasn't a new thing for us, but there was something so intimate about this being our first diwali spent in this home, little safe haven of our love, marking nearly one year since we moved in here. after being satisfied with our home makeover, we took lots of selfies and pictures to remember this day by.

Later that evening we headed to the Singhal house, sai's side of family, and though I was a little nervous to meet all of them on such an auspicious occasion as his partner, they welcomed me so warmly that i felt like they were my own. we had so much fun that day, dancing around, jamming to music, cracking jokes and laughing our hearts out. the most memorable for me was when the entire family surrounded us and hollered us to dance together. I was probably as red as a tomato with all the attention on us but looking into sai's eyes made me forget the world around me, and he twirled me around, holding my gaze and that was one moment I felt like my dream of a fairytale completed.

Another ring of my phone snapped me back to reality. its 2 PM. and he isn't home yet. nor a text message that he is on the way. although, there were a lot of other texts, some saying sorry, some asking if I woke up, some requesting me to not sulk with cute cat memes and some asking to pick up the calls, and I ignored all of them royally. huh, fucking deserved. but I know he is missing me just as much if his "i miss you tazbu" with 10 puppy eyes emojis are anything to go by.

All that nostalgia left me with a bittersweet feeling, all those memories reminded me of our love, how much I love him, and how he loves me back but also how right now, he isn't here. maybe i'm just overthinking, cause anyway he will be back soon, right? woah I better head out to my pole dance class, sitting home alone in my deluge of thoughts is doing no good. because in the end I know I will melt into a puddle as soon as he pecks my forehead and says I love you.


Two hours later, I was back at home and getting ready for the diwali night at Singhal's. On the way back home, Khushbu di had called up to remind me to get there early so we can have some time to just us girlies. and then she asked me to hand the phone over to sai to wish him diwali too... and I had to tell her that he was on set. I'm so grateful to have her because she comforted me in such a way that I am in a much better mood now. she somehow always knows all the solutions to my problems. and then later I asked her to not give him his favorite sweet she made tonight as a punishment and she totally indulged me and further said she is gonna twist his ears as well. and I cannot wait to witness it all. hmph.

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