Episode 1 part 1

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I sat in my room drawing as the front door banging open and my bitchy sister began to talk about getting into her art school and my supposed mother fawning over her. i hated it, when  I had graduated high school at 12 all I got was a sharp slap to the face and a  lecture about taking all my amazing sisters attention. 

I graduated MIT with a masters in Astro engineering at age 16, I was now 17 working for NASA as a lead engineer. The only reason I didn't move out was because i wasn't yet 18. 

I came out of my room and continued drawing as I made myself a drink. Clary was holding a present that was most likely given to her by the mean and wiered Dot who worked in the shop downstairs. 

"You did it, yay." Mom screeched. I stayed silent, going unoticed.
"You also follow Simon's Twitter account."
"He only has 92 followers, he needs the re-tweet."

They both fell on to the couch in fits of laughter, I looked longingly at the pair. I had never had a parents love, never had a present or a cake. Joslyen then pulled out a box rapped in rapping paper and handed it to her. "Before you open it I want you to know the I love you Clary, more than anything."

She kissed my sister's cheek while she opened the box. It made tears spring to my eyes. No one had ever loved me yet I yearned for some kind of affection. Clary held up the thing identical to what I was drawing.

My mother's face showed a hint of anxiety as she explained what it was to her favourite daughter. "It's called a stelle,"
"What is it, like a paper weight or something?"
"No it is much more than that, it's very ancient. I want you to have it, it's a family heirloom."
"We Fray's have heirlooms?"

I could see my mothers anxiety growing and my sister not taking it seriously. I know about something called the shadow world. I only knew because if I touch something or someone and focus I can see their history. I did it to mom one time when I was 6 and found out about everything.

I half wished I could be with my dad, after everything he has done I just wanted someone. Clary intirups my train of thought when she said about doodling something similar earlier.

Mother then looked like she was about to confess to a horrible crime but Clarys phone went off. That was when my coffee was ready so I took my pad, pencil, mug and locked myself in the my tiny room that was more than half the size of my sister's.

 That was when my coffee was ready so I took my pad, pencil, mug and locked myself in the my tiny room that was more than half the size of my sister's

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I also had to pay for everything myself. I also had to pay for clothes, food, water and a roof over my head. I wore some of my favourite clothes today.

 I wore some of my favourite clothes today

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