Ryuuji, Taiga, and [Y/N]

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Well, it's been an eventful time. After getting no information on what Aisaka's secret was, now her and Takasu are eating breakfast every morning at his house. Pretty sure at this point she's just using him for his cooking skills. Whatever, it's school time again and I'm ready. I head outside and see the two of them walking together.

Taiga: Jeez, are you trying to make your own pet go bald from stress? Don't let it get any uglier.

Ryuuji: Don't call her ugly!

Taiga: They do say that pets can start to resemble their owner.

Ryuuji: Dammit, you ungrateful brat! I made you breakfast and packed you lunch!

[Y/N]: Maybe if you stopped spoiling her she'd be less of a brat. She's like a spoiled little princess.

They turned to face me, not knowing I was there. I walk up next to them.

Taiga: He's my dog, he has to do everything I tell him. And you need to stop poking your nose into our personal business, you stupid ape.

[Y/N]: Is that the only insult you have for me? I expected better, short stack.

Taiga: I don't see you getting creative with yours.

[Y/N]: Fine, I'll change it. What do you like better? Low Pockets, Shortcake, Shortstop, Peanut, Tater-Tot, Pixie, Tinkerbell-

Taiga: How creative, short insults.

[Y/N]: Whatever you say, Bite-Size.

Taiga: Shut up and rot in Hell.

We walked towards school.

Taiga: Listen up. Once we get to school, you better do a good job, Mongrel. You know your job, I don't want to say it with present company. Don't forget your promise to obey me like a dog! If it doesn't go well..

Before Aisaka could make her threat she turned towards the direction of the school and saw Kushieda.

Taiga: Minorin!

She ran towards Kushieda and hugged her.

Minori: You're late, Taiga! But wow, as energetic as ever, I see!

Taiga: Morning, Minorin.

Kushieda than looked at the two of us shocked.

Minori: No way! What? S-sorry! I had no idea! Taiga, Takasu, and [L/N] are acting friendly towards each other.

[Y/N]: Friendly is a strong word.

Takasu blushed and looked away slightly.

Ryuuji: We just happened to run into Aisaka. Right, Aisa-

Before he could finished I nudged him and pointed towards Kushieda who was just talking to Aisaka and ignoring us entirely.

[Y/N]: She's not listening, dumbass. Pay attention.

Minori: It was just a coincidence?

Taiga: They live near me, I guess.

Minori: Okey-dokey. See you later, Takasu, [L/N]!

She waved before leaving with Aisaka who gave Takasu a smirk.

Ryuuji: I get it. If I want a chance with Kushieda, I have to help Aisaka with her thing.

[Y/N]: Y'know, if you let me in on it, I can be of help.

Ryuuji: Something tells me if I do that then she'll ruin any chance I have with Kushieda.

[Y/N]: I'm a surprisingly good actor. I can be helping you and she won't even know that I know the truth. Trust me, what is extra help going to hurt?

Takasu sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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