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"Omg y/n have you heard about the new student?" my friend asked me as soon as I sat down in second period.
"I have. To be honest, He sounds quite annoying." I told her. The bell rang and the class obviously still talking. Then a boy walked in and scanned the classroom. I've never seen hi- he's the new student.. ugh. He's not sort the the attention. Why is he just standing there? He started to walk towards me. Why m-
"Hi. You have a seat open next to you. I'm gonna sit there." He talked as if he owned the damn place. I tried to seem nice and nodded my head yes. The teacher began teaching and that boy had the audacity to try to talk to me. Why me? The prettiest girl sat in front of him and he chooses me instead of her. Hm that's different. Suddenly, he started to laugh a little because Monica whispered something into his ear. "Did you really kiss that guy over there?" He mocked as he pointed to the worst and weirdest boy.

"You'll believe anything. No I didn't kiss him, idiot." I began to get annoyed. He looked back at the teacher when we realized she was staring at us. Ugh, when I just thought I could tolerate him. He is an idiot. The bell rang and I went to my next class if nothing ever happened.

After school.

I sit down on my bed scrolling through tiktok when my friend Alyssa texts me

Alyssa: Oh my god. Timothee totally has a thing for you!

Me: He does not. That's disgusting.

Alyssa: Anyways, there's a party tonight you should come. My house as always<3

Me: Fine, I'll be there at 7.

Alyssa: Okay ttyl:)

I look at the time and its 5:30, so I listen to music while studying in my room. The sun began to set and I realized I have to be there soon.. I change into a black crop top, red skirt, with black high heels. My mom is drunk and asleep on the couch as usual. I dont know why I'm always so overdressed but I like it. I walk into the party and its already crazy. Then I see him.. I walk over to him to complain about how much I hate him. He smirks a little and hands me a drink. "No way I'd trust you handing me a drink. You are a terrible person to try and dru-" He takes a sip from it and puts it down.

"You don't have to drink it if you dont want too." he smiles and he seems like he's sweet.

"I'm not a huge fan of parties." I say grabbing a cookie.

"Why did you come then?" he asked giving me a look that makes me a bit nervous. Why did I? Was it because I was hoping to see him here?

"Oh- uhm. uh" I stutter trying to think of an excuse.

"Was it because you maybe wanted to see me?" He flirts trying to be dominate. Fuck. I'm turning red. I quickly look down covering my face. He grabs my hand and takes me upstairs..

Timothee chalamet &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now