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                As I grew up I always had an interest in boats, ships, and just being in water general. My uncle also enjoyed boats and such. He owned one. As a fact, he was quite rich and was in the army. Every time he came home he'd take me on his boat. My family was very poor, we could barely afford the food on our table. A boat would be out of the question. Year after year I'd picture how my boat will look like. It was my passion; I hardly could live if I didn't have that one little strand of hope. I loved my uncle, and every year when he came home, he'd give my parents a check. I'm not sure how much, but he'd always say that some of the money has to go to my boat in the future. I remember always being so happy when I saw that check. He was my strand of hope. When I was 15 my uncle never came. No check, No boat, no nothing. A depressing month passed until we got a letter saying that my uncle got shot. He was alive, but severely hurt and may not make it. My parents were sad but I knew that they'd get over it, but I'd be scared for life if he died. A week passed until we got another letter saying he had past. My uncle was my strand of hope and now it's lost forever. He actually let go.

          My parent parents pretty much told me there was no hope for me. They said the only hope I could have is if I'd get a 4.0 as my grade average. I had to do my best, but that's impossible for me. Year after year, test after test, grade after grade, my only inspiration was my uncle. Finally, my senior year is when I finally made my goal. I wanted to be a marine, but my parents wanted money. They wanted me to be a lawyer. So when I got a scholarship to Harvard they accepted for me.

          After four years at Harvard I was proposed to. Of course I accepted. It wasn't until four years later, when I graduated, was when we got married. A year later I found out I was pregnant. About nine months later I gave birth, hoping it was a boy. I wanted to name him after my uncle. I wanted to have a girl, too, but I just really wanted to show my appreciation for him because I don't think I ever really did. It ended up being a girl. She was healthy, and ever so cute. We decided to name her Alayna. As she grew older she had the same interests as I did. She loved boats. When she was nine she asked me that if we ever got a boat if we could name it the Auqamarine. I loved it because it reminded me of my dream to be a marine. That same year Alayna was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors did everything they could. Alayna didn't make it. We were devastated. When Alayna was born she became my new strand of hope, but soon after the strand broke. No reason for it, it just did.

          Finally, after two long years my husband agreed to buy a boat. My husband picked out a name for it, Seaser, and I agreed forget all about my promise to my daughter. The day we finally were going to take Seaser out, I felt sick. My husband went out to sea without me. That afternoon there was a thunderstorm. I quickly called my husband hoping he was already on his way home. No answer. I called again, no answer. I immediately thought of the worst that could happen, and the worst did happen.

          No one is left in my life. Why must I live through this horrible life? Nothing or no one is left for me to live for. Until days after the boat accident I found out I was pregnant. Roughly 8 ½ months later I gave birth to twin boys! I named one after my uncle and one after my husband.

          Approximately, ten years went by. I got a call from my mother. She told me my uncle’s boat was fixed up and is now for sale and she wanted me to buy it. I eagerly agreed. That same day I was going through a pile of Alayna’s art work in the attic. The one that made me cry was the one of herself, her father, and me on a boat labeled ‘Aquamarine’.

          The same day when we picked up my uncles boat, I took jumbo stencils and painted the boats name on it. That weekend my boys and I took a journey out at sea. The waves got a hold of our boat and flew it into a rocky ridge. We all drowned.

          A newlywed couple was walking along shore on a beach when the wife noticed something ashore. They walked over and saw a piece of wood from a boat. It read ‘Seasers Aquamarine’.

*(Authors note) I hope you enjoyed I know it’ not the greatest*

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