chapter 4

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I went upstairs to my room and changed for the party. I had decided to wear a red mini dress and some black baby doll shoes. I was about to walk out the door when my phone rang.  It was a message from an old high school friend, Jeremy.

Hey I'm on campus! Where da party at?

I just laughed. I can't believe he came here with out telling me. This is going to be an interesting night.

I texted him back to find out he wasn't that far from my dorm and told him to meet me. When we saw each other it was slightly awkward.

"Hey," he said smiling, brightly.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked

He gave me a hug. "I can't come see your?"

I laughed, "I guess you can, I just don't see why really."

"What, I can't visit an old friend?"

"You're unannounced."

"It was supposed to be a surprise."

"You surprised me alright," I mumbled.

"So why are you all dress up?" He asked, eyeing me up and down.

"I'm actually on my way to a band party," I smiled, "want to join me?" I asked.

"What kind of question is that? Me, not want to party? That'll never happen." He joked.

We walked across the street from campus where a friend of mine lived in an apartment.  There were people everywhere, and music playing from every direction.

Simone walked up to me slightly slurring her words, "Heeeyyyyyyy!!!!!!" She said drapping her arm around my shoulders.

"You're completely drunk," I told her, trying to support her weight.

"No I'm not," she said standing up straight. I laughed, she's the only person I know that can pull off a believable fake drunk.

"Sooo, who's this?" She said jesturing towards Jermey.

"This is an old friend from high school, Jermey. Jermey, This is my roommate, Simone." I introduced. They shook hands.

"Old boyfriend?" Simone asked, raising her eyebrows at me.

"NO!" I shook my head.

"There's a story there and I want to know every detail later," she said looking between the two of us,"right now it's time to party!"

Jermey laughed at her entusiasm. "I like her."

We walked into the very crowded house where I introduced Jermey to most of me friends. We got drinks and were just chillen when Say Yes by Lil Cori came on. I laughed, this was one of the songs that always reminded me of Jermey no matter what.

"You want to dance?" Jermey asked me.

I was truly shocked that he asked me. Should I dance with him? What would Derek think? Well he did say he wasn't the jealous type. What would one dance do? What the hell?

"Sure, why not?" I said following him to the middle of the room.

We danced like no one was watching. In reality everyone was watching. I guess people were shocked that I would be grinding on someone that wasn't my boyfriend, but really what's the big deal? We're just dancing.

After the song was over we both went outside for some air. There weren't any other people outside at the time. We were all alone, which may not be a good idea because of the mix emotions I was feeling right then.

"Do you ever wish that we got together?" Jermey asked me out of no where.

I was surprised by that question. Why would he ask me something like that?

"I don't know, We probably would've been a disfunctional couple then, you didn't know what you wanted and I was tired of waiting around for you to make up your mind." I said looking at the ground.

He lifted my chin and looked deeply into my eyes. "I've made it up now." He said softly and moving in slightly. He kissed me full on the lips. His kiss was filled with passion reminding me of the many stolen kisses we shared in high school. I couldn't help but react with the same feirce passion.Then I realized what I was doing and I pulled away, pushing him away from me.

"I can't," I said out of breath, "I have a boyfriend."

"So, you kissed me back."

"No! I mean yeah I did but I shouldn't have. I was thinking about high school, that's in the past now."

"It doesn't have to be." He said walking towards me.

I pushed him away. "Yes it does. We're not in high school anymore Jermey! We're not going to play this game again. It's time to grow up whether you want to or not. I'm not letting you come between me and Derek! You had your chance years ago and you lost it. We can still be friends but only friends and if you can't do that then that's your problem, not mine." I said in a huge breath.

By the end of my speech I realized that we had an audience. Jermey just stood there in silence for a few moments before replying.

"Okay, I can do that. So when do I get to meet this Dereck?"

"Tomorrow." I said walking away.

I walked back to my dorm. What the hell was that? How could I have kissed him back? I don't still have feelings for him, or do I? More importantly should I tell Dereck? and if I do how?

I layed on my bed and texted Dereck.

Don't read any texts from your friends or answer any calls, I need to talk to you first.

He replied:


Just come



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2011 ⏰

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