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((BACKGROUND: Heterochromia is where your eyes are 2 different colours, for example, you could have 1 blue eye and 1 brown eye.

In this one-shot Tony has had this since birth and only him and his parents know about it. He either wears contacts or sunglasses.

Steve and Tony have been dating for about 3 months.))

Tony groggily opened his eyes, dreading the day to come. He had hours of press and interviews to do - all on 3 hours of sleep. Nightmares, insomnia, migraines all keeping him up. So he worked in his workshop and before his knew it, it was
4 am!

He groaned as he flopped out of bed, trying to keep his eyes open. He went to the bathroom and got changed, brushed his teeth, did his hair, and tried to make himself look at least a little bit ready and presentable for the day. What he forgot to do, however, was put in his contact to make both his eyes look their "usual" chocolate/coffee brown. He was too exhausted to even realise, especially because he was so used to his eyes at this point.

He walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen, immediately darting for the coffee machine. The entire team had made a rule; no one talks to Tony until he's had his morning dose of coffee. Even Tony knows it.

He stared at the coffee machine as it finished making his caffeine. When it dinged, signalling it was done, he immediately poured it into a cup and chugged it, not caring for the burning sensation flowing down his throat.

"Tones!" Rhodey called, not getting his attention. Tony had his back turned to the entire team, his eyes focused on the task at hand; coffee.

"Hey, Tony," Steve greeted, wrapping his arms around the brunettes waist. Tony rested his head on Steve's chest, closing his eyes.

"Hi," he said, tiredly. Tony turned around to look at Steve, now opening his eyes.
Steve's face turned from happiness to confusion quite quickly as he stared into Tony's eyes.

"What?" Tony asked, looking paranoid.

"You- your eyes," Steve said. Tony immediately put his hand over his right eye, blocking the ocean blue coloured eye. This caught the attention of the rest of the team, as their confused faces all gathered closer to see what was going on.

He ran to his room and then to his nightstand where he kept his contacts. At this point, he was on the verge of a panic attack. He shakily put his contact in, blinking a couple times so that it would stay in place.

What is everyone going to think?!

What- what is Steve going to think?!

Tony broke down in tears, his back slowly sliding down the wall at he brought his knees up to his chest and rested his elbows on them, covering his face.

Stark men dont cry.
Stark men dont cry.
Stark men dont cry.
Stark men dont cry.

That one phrase was repeated in his head, over and over again, in his father's angry voice. His father always hated his fucking eyes.

Quiet sobs escaped his lips as he closed his eyes. He didn't want anyone knowing. He fucking hated it! Now the whole team knows?! What's next, the fucking press? Then the entire fucking public?!

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door, followed by many muffled voices all whispering to each other. Tony was still sat on the ground, face buried in his arms, ignoring the voices and the knocks from outside.

Eventually, a click noise was heard, followed by the door opening.

I bet either Clint or Rhodey picked the fucking lock.

Tony didn't look up. Didn't move. Just waited - silently.

"Tony," a serious Rhodey said. A muffled 'what' was heard in reply.

"No one cares you know, everyone likes it," Steve said, sitting on the brunettes bed. Tony shrugged, refusing to lift his head, "Tony, look at me."

Tony looked up at Steve, glancing at Rhodey, and Nat who was leaning against the door frame.

Steve's face had confusion written all over it. "Why wear contacts?" He asked.

"Because it's disgusting, it's a mutation. My father made that pretty clear and my opinion isn't going to change now," Tony mumbles. Steve shook his head.

"That isn't true," Nat spoke from across the room.

"Take out your contact," Steve said.

Tony fully sat up. "What?"

"You heard him, take it out," Rhodey joined in.

Tony sighed before ultimately giving up, now standing and going to the bathroom to take out his contact. He came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, glancing at everyone in the room before shrugging.

"Happy now?" He asked, leaving the room. The 3 followed him.

"Tony!" Rhodey shouted, but he gave up after not getting a reply after about 7 tries.

Tony went to his lab, locking himself away until he had to go to his first interview. He got changed into a nice suit before heading to his car. Before he could get to his car, however, Steve stopped him.

"Why are you wearing your contact?" Steve asked.

"Because what's the press gonna think?" The short brunette replied.

Steve shrugged. "It wont be bad. I mean, you're a billionaire. They wont be able to say too much."

"Steve, I'm already horribly insecure about it."

"Well then I'll come with you. Anyone says anything and I'll give them a piece of my damn mind!"

Tony chuckled, admitting defeat and getting into his car, Steve going round to the passenger seat and buckling in.

Once they had parked, Tony took out his contact and put it away in a case, leaving it in his pocket.

As he entered the room, quiet gasps were heard.

"Mr Stark, are those contacts?"

"No, I have heterochromia."

"Since birth?"


"Why wear contacts?"

"Insecurities, bullies, you know, all that," Tony said, looking to Steve and giving him a soft smile.

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