Welcome to the Family

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"Miss Y/N, dinner is ready" a loud voice called from the ceiling.

I jumped up in bed violently when I heard this and started looking around for the intruder.

"I apologize for scaring you miss, I am JARVIS. I'm the AI system that Mr. Stark invented. I was asked to inform you that you're invited to dinner in the main living room." He said calmly.

"Sorry...JARVIS...I suppose that I'm a little jumpy being in a new place." I realized after I spoke that I was talking to a wall essentially, but it's polite to respond...right?

"Not a problem miss, I will do my best to not startle you again."

"Thank you...Oh...JARVIS? Where exactly is the main living room?" I asked

"Floor 54 miss. All of the Avengers are there now."

"Perfect. Thanks J!" I hoped the computer man wouldn't mind being given a nickname. I felt silly yelling out the name 'JARVIS'. I decided to change into something more presentable and by more presentable, I mean jeans and a long sleeved shirt. I decided to look around my own floor before heading downstairs. I noticed that there were only two more doors on my level. At the end of the hall, opposite the elevator was a red door with silver lightning bolts painted onto it and the door across from my own was dark green with golden snakes. "I'll ask about the decorated doors later" I mumbled to myself. Heading down to the main living floor, I noticed the beautiful skyline of New York and thought to myself how lucky I already was to be here.

"There you are Sparky! I was getting worried you were a vampire or something and were gonna hide away all day." Tony shouted from the other end of the room

Natasha waved me over to her "Leave her alone Stark. Y/N, why don't you come sit by me! We ordered Chinese food, I wasn't sure what you liked so I got a little bit of everything." So far she seemed the most warmed up to me which made it easy for me to feel comfortable around her. We all sat around eating and I just listened to everyone conversing and enjoying their banters.

"Y/N, we're hoping to get started on your training tomorrow if you're up to it?" Steve looked at me questioningly.

"Sure! I'm just as eager as you to find out all that I can do." Everyone seemed pleased that I wasn't going to argue about it.

"Perfect, meet me in the training room at 7am and we'll get started!"

After that was settled, I wished everyone a goodnight and decided to try to get some sleep before my morning of training.


The morning of training was absolutely exhausting. Steve had me running, doing push-ups and even starting to work on self-defense. To say that I was ill prepared for all of this physical activity would be an understatement. Luckily, Steve was very patient and seemed to be happy that I was at least willing to try. After a couple hours of torture, we decided to try to work on my "powers". The problem was that I had no idea how/where to begin with that.

"I'm not used to magic, but I think you should start by concentrating and trying to 'feel' your magic. From what I understand, it's a part of you so it's just a matter of tapping into it." Steve started to explain

I felt really silly standing in the middle of the room trying to "feel" my magic, but I figured it was worth a shot. I stood there with my eyes closed and took a deep breath, trying to concentrate. I felt a small swirl of power around me and then felt a SNAP! in my brain. All of my memories came flooding out of me all at once along with all of the pain and fear from my years with HYDRA. I was remembering all of the torture and experiments and beatings that I received and it was as if I was feeling them all over again in that moment. I started screaming and grabbed my head, falling to the ground. I vaguely heard Steve yelling my name in the distance, but couldn't concentrate on it. I don't know how long this went on for, but eventually everything faded to black.


My head was pounding, but I knew I should open my eyes and assess the situation. I very slowly blinked my eyes open and took in my surroundings.

"Y/N! Thank God you're awake!" Someone exclaimed from my right. I looked over and saw Steve rushing to my bed with a very apologetic look on his face. "Y/N. I'm so sorry, I should've waited until someone with proper training was around to help. You started screaming and I rushed to you, but every time I tried to pick you up I got electrocuted."

"I'm...so...sorry....Steve." My voice came out all gravely and hoarse.

"Please don't apologize, it was your bodies defense mechanism and I'm not injured." He was quick to re-assure me.

"I...remember...everything. All of the horrible things that they did to me. They...they...starved me and beat me when I refused more serums. I basically lived chained up all of the time. It felt as if I was right back there, it all hit me so fast. What happened? HOW did that happen?"

"From what I gather, trying to tune into your magic basically forced open the barricade that was containing your memories. Do you remember anything about what you can do?" Steve looked hopeful that some good came from this.

"I know that I can electrocute people...as you found out the hard way, sorry again about that...I also can heal people, but I had just started learning that. I don't really remember how...I'm also a telepath. They were worried that I was too strong with my telepathy so I almost always had a limiter bracelet so I wouldn't find out their secrets or whatever they were hiding..." I trailed off, trying not to focus on my pounding head

"That's great Y/N! We can help you learn to control them when you're feeling better. The doctors want you to spend the night here, but you can go back to your room tomorrow. We're also not going to work on your magic until your mind is healed from all of that. It also gives us time to come up with a solution on how to teach you....who...should teach you" Steve trailed off, deep in thought

"Thanks Steve. I think I'd like to get some sleep, it's been a long day."

"Of course, I'll leave you now. Goodnight Y/N." Steve gave me a weak smile

"Goodnight Steve" As he walked away, he looked back at me with that same thoughtful (almost haunted) look and I couldn't help but wonder who exactly he had in mind to teach me....

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