"Daddy can I go to Shamika's house?" Kierra asked her dad as her mom and her aunties were downstairs catching up. "Ask yo mama." Drew said trying to get Kierra to talk too her mom more instead of just listening to her and giving her short yes or no answers. And so when Karen heard Drew say that she was mentally preparing herself to answer. Karen was preparing herself to let, Kierra go over to this girl's house. But as any parent would have it she needed to meet her first. But the next few words that came outta Kierra's mouth, Karen ain't know what to do. "Auntie Twinkie can I go over to Shamika's house?" Kierra asked her aunt Twinkie considering Twinkie to be more of her mom when Karen was gone and Karen felt like a knife was pierced through her heart. When Karen heard, Kierra say that Karen was quite sure that Drew told Kierra to ask her and not her aunt. But then it hit Karen that Kierra no longer thought of Karen as her mother.
But Karen was trying to keep it together in front of everyone after she had cried her eyes out last week when Doe comforted her.

Twinkie snapped her head around so fast almost giving everyone whiplash cuttin her eyes at Kierra. "Little girl what did your daddy just say? Don't get smart." Twinkie said ready to throw a shoe at Kierra. And Kierra tried not to roll her eyes or say anything of the sorts like when she would say that wasn't her mother out loud since, Ki had already made that clear with her choice of her words just now. And so when her auntie Twinkie re-enforced what her dad just said it was a few moments of silence. "Just for that since you wanna ask me I shouldn't let you go. But I'm a give you some grace and let you correct yourself." Twinkie said watching her hard headed niece knowing Kierra's body was tense and she hated asking, that lady for things as she was so used to asking her aunties and so, Kierra tried not to be hostile towards her mother as she turned around her.
"Sorry auntie Twinkie." Kierra whispered to her but they heard it. It was something when Kierra would apologize to her mother because it was like pulling teeth and nail with her. But she no problem apologizing to her aunties since it was easy for her to do so and that hurt Karen as well but she tried to understand. "Mom." Kierra said all tight lip as if the word burned her to say it. "Can I please go over to Shamika's house?" Kierra asked her nicely with that being a start instead of being rude to her as she was for the past few days. "Yes you can but you know I would like to meet her and her parents before letting you go over." Karen said as nicely as she could trying not to sound hurt. Jacky and Dorinda looked at Karen like she was crazy for letting Kierra go over after she clearly hurt her feelings. But they said nothing.
However, Kierra wanted to roll her eyes so bad but refrained from doing so because she felt that she didn't need to meet her best friends parents since everyone in the house already knew Shamika's parents. But as said before, Kierra restricted herself so she wouldn't get into anymore trouble. "Okay." Kierra said staring at this strange lady. "Kierra." Dorinda said to her niece calling her name. "Thank you." She said forcing it out of her as she walked upstairs. Right before she opened her room door she mumbled, "If you were here you would've already met her parents like everybody else already has." Kierra mumbled underneath her breath and stopped talking before she said something mean about Karen and just kept it to herself.

"You a damn fool." Jacky said to Karen as Karen looked back at her older sister. "You really gonna let her go over after what she just said to you?" Jacky asked her with her eyebrow arched ready to whip, Kierra herself for hurting Karen's feelings. "I'm sure she didn't mean it. Probably didn't think nuthin' of it." Karen said clearly, lying for her daughter. "A fool I tell ya." Jacky said shaking her head mad as hell. "But you really gonna let her say that?!" Jacky said trying not to get loud seeing that the kids were still up this time of hour. And Karen just shrugged. "I'll just let it slide this once." Karen told her sister and her other sisters just shook their head at her. "Karen don't you spoil that girl or try to buy back her love after leaving." Jacky said, "Cause that ain't gonna fix nuthin'." Jacky told her. "I'm not-" Karen tried to say, "Aht Liar." Jacky said as she stay calling Karen out.

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