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There was someone walking into the corridor of the school looking into the left and right tried to find teachers room. The person is a girl that had long black coffee hair with cowlick and big azure blue eyes, her eyelashes is long, her nose is high and sharp, she had a small pinkish lips and she had a baby face. Her skin is glowing white like people imagined that should belong to an angel's, you can say the girl is beautiful and how developed her body is.

When the girl find where the room is, she knock the door waiting for permission to come in. When she heard the word 'come in' from the inside, she open the door. She walk inside and goes the nearest teacher from the door. "Um, excuse me? I'm a transfer student today. I came here to ask my class and schedule." said the girl. The teacher with dark purple hair and brown eyes wearing a glasses heard the girl and smile. "Ah, you must be Edogawa-san. I'm your homeroom teacher Yoshikawa Misaki, you can call me Yoshikawa-sensei. You will be on the class 2-B and this your schedule. Come, let me introduce you to your class." said the teacher and walk out from teacher's room. The girl nodded and follow her teacher to where her class is, when she saw the hang board that written '2-B', she know this is her class for now on.

"BAKAITO, COME BACK HERE" when she and the teacher arrive in front the class door, they can heard the commotion inside the classroom. "Kekeke, you won't get me Aoi. You never will." said another voice with cheerfulness in their voice. The girl look at the teacher asking explanation and saw the teacher sigh showing that it's always happen. "Stay here, I will call you after" said Yoshikawa-sensei. The girl nodded and wait for the order. The teacher goes inside and saw Ekoda high school prankster; Kuroba Kaito being chased by his childhood friend Nakamori Aoi, no doubt the boy do something to the other boy that's makes him angry again.

Yoshikawa-sensei take a deep breath and start to shout "BOTH OF YOU SIT DOWN AND BE QUITE" the two heard her, they immediately sit down to their seat. They know what will happen if their teacher get mad. She will give them lots of homework and she will collect it after tomorrow and that a hell for everyone. They quickly sit to their desk just like they been told to, the teacher nodded in satisfies. "Today we have a new student starting for now on, please be nice to her. Please come in"

Everyone in the class excite to meet a new student, the doors open and someone walk in. They look at a girl that walk in, everyone can't take they eyes off from her mostly the boy population. Even Kaito can't take his eyes off from the girl and keep staring, when the girl stand beside the teacher and turn to them, she give a shy smile and a little flushed formed on her cheek looking more cute when she do that. "Please introduce yourself" said Yoshikawa-sensei, the girl nodded and take a deep breath. "Hi, I'm Edogawa Harumi. Please take good care of me." Introduce her with a slight bow.

Yes everyone, Edogawa Harumi is actually Kudou Shinichi. How it's turn out like this, let's flashback of what happen.


There was a hurried footstep and a heavy breathing like someone were running. Then on their back is an embarrassed person. "Hold on Shinichi, were getting closer to Hakase house. Please stay with me." said the person in slight panic while carrying the person they call Shinichi. "Ran please put me down, I can still walk!" shout Shinichi calling the person that carrying him or her.

After his encounter with the two men in black, he got drugged and lost his consciousness after the two men in black gone. He woke up when he felt someone shaking him, he open his eyes and saw that it's was Ran looking in concern. "Ran, what are you doing here?" ask him in confuse and fear that she saw what happen. "Well I manage to follow you, when I got here I saw what happen. Are you okay?" ask her in worried at her childhood friend. After she said that, Shinichi grab her shoulder and squeeze it tightly make her whining, his expression kind of panic and fear "Did they saw you?" ask him in fear. Ran shook her head said no "I manage to hide on the bush before they saw me" Shinichi sigh in relief when heard it but he can't help felt worried.

"Uh, Shinichi" call Ran, Shinichi look up at her when she call him "You look...different." Shinichi raise his eyebrow in confuse, didn't understand what she means. He look at himself he saw that his cloth is to big from for his own liking, his hand is small like a girl, his finger is longer that before. He notice his hair is getting longer and it reach to his now slender waist. When he look down, he saw that he had a breast like a women. He want to scream but Ran stop him with closing his mouth "Don't shout! What if they still here?" warn her even though she knew how much Shinichi felt right now.

She can felt her childhood friend is shaking and she can saw that tears start to form into his or let just say HER eyes. Ran never saw Shinichi crying before so this shocked her, she release her hand from Shinichi's mouth. She saw that Shinichi tried to hold her tears from them to flow. Ran tried not squeal because Shinichi look so cute when she tried to hold her tears and bit her small lips like she were pouting.

"Anyway, let's get out of here before someone find us" said her and lifted Shinichi on her back make her squeak of her action "Ran put me down, I can walk" said Shinichi in protest but Ran didn't listen and start to run.

That's how they got to Hakase house and explain to him what happen. Hakase ponder everything what they say and think of the solution. "You two need to keep this a secret, what if THEY know you still alive and know what they do? THEY will come to you, they'll kill you and the one precious to you two." warn Hakase. Shinichi and Ran know what Hakase told them is true.

"But Hakase, can you do something for me turn back into normal?" ask Shinichi hoping that she can get normal body back. Ran also hoping for the same thing but she don't mind what Shinichi look like. She just glad to see she's okay and safe right now. Hakase shook his head "I'm sorry Shinichi-kun, if I know the drug maybe I can do something but I can't" Shinichi sigh in defeat. She don't have a choice and need to live as a girl and make a new name to hide herself from THEM.

Flashback end...

So that's how Kudou Shinichi or now will be known as Edogawa Harumi a student from Ekoda high school and live as a girl. She decide to take an alias as Kudo Shinichi cousin, she lost her parents on car accident a month ago and the Kudos family take her in. That's her cover story to keep her secret. She move into Ekoda city, rent an apartment and enrolled into Ekoda high must to Ran protest but she can't stop her because the situation is serious. Today is her first day to start her new life as Edogawa Harumi.


The One Under The Mask (Kaifemshin)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن