7.Always levitating

Start from the beginning

"Well, if you ask me, Della has your manners and your temper too...but sometimes I feel she is masking her real character behind her rude self," Elena voiced out her thoughts.

"Even I thought so, "I agreed to Elena, pondering over Della's snappy nature.

"Now enough of these talks...Let us get back to work. And I forgot to inform you ...I have issued a job opening for the post of a manager for you...and the interview is in three days, "Elena declared while I glared at her.

"What? No way...I don't want some little twit as my manager who, irrespective of gender, would try to hit on me, "I scowled.

"Don't worry, Mr.Addington...I have requested your last manager to personally take the interview and pick the best for you from among the candidates," she announced in a professional tone.

"My last manager?" I frowned at her in horror.

"Yes ...you are right...Mrs.Davina King will do the honors and save me from your torture to some extent," she winked at me.

"How could you do this to me? Don't you know I don't trust anyone other than you?"I gnarled at her.

"I know...but trust me ...you need a manager who stays with you all the time during your next dream project. I can't always do that, Ian. And I know how many times you had managed on your own when my family needed me the most. You treat me like your sister, and now I must find you someone capable of handling your schedule in my absence," Elena tried to reassure me.

"I know...Wait...I can ask Vina to be my manager for some time, "I suddenly voiced out my thoughts.

"Well then, there will be no need for a manager or a PS for you," she chortled.

"And why is that?"I asked curiously.

"Because David will bloody murder you for trying to keep his wife away from him, and Daddy Knight will slaughter you for making his precious little daughter a mere manager of yours, "Elena laughed her heart out while I gritted my teeth.

"That's right...Those mean guys needed me to reconcile with my Vina, and now I'm nothing but an outsider to them, "I grumbled.

"That's not true...They love you much more than you can ever imagine, "Elena declared.

"Yeah, whatever," I nodded sarcastically at her.

"Go ahead...find me a manager...but if I don't like the person, I will fire them instantly, "I declared and walked out of the office to attend a final audition at director Stefan Rodriguez's office.

Della's POV

"What happened to you, Dells babe?"Emily's voice brought me back from my thoughts.

"Nothing...just thinking about my miserable life," I replied cheerlessly.

"What happened?" she asked in concern.

"I got fired from my job. All thanks to Rachel summers. And now I need to find a job asap, or else I'm screwed. I have no idea how to pay all my bills and my tuition fee, "I told her gloomily.

"I can help you, dear...What are friends for?", she said patting my back.

'"How long will you help me? All I need now is some real job that pays me well enough to settle all my bills, "I vented out.

"This is all because of that Rachel bitch, isn't it. But you could have asked Mrs.King(Davina) for help. You both are sort of friends, right?" she asked anxiously.

"Mrs.King is a sweet person, and she would definitely help me out had I asked for it. But I wouldn't take advantage of her friendship and good nature to get my job back at her restaurant. And I'm pretty much sure she wouldn't have any idea of how Rachel got me fired, "I sighed.

"That is why I applied for this job on your behalf...If you are lucky, you don't have to go for these petty odd jobs holding a document ", Aiden jumped in out of nowhere and announced.

"Really? And may I know what is the job position?"I asked inquisitively.

"Manager!!! You know the one who manages everything...scheduling and rescheduling your boss's meetings", he exclaimed.

"I know that, and may I know under who I would be working?"I furrowed my brows at him.

"The who isn't relevant. All you have to think of is the huge paycheck you would be getting in case you get the job," Aiden swayed his head dramatically.

"It is bloody relevant to me. So now you better spit it out, or I would bang your head against the wall, "I threatened him while Emily started laughing.

"Ian Addington's office has a job opening for the post of a manager," he blurted out all of a sudden.

"That's a bad idea...I'm not going to attend that interview. I can't stand him even for a second," I scowled.

"But Dell babe...you can give it a try. As Aiden suggested, it's an excellent opportunity. Don't miss it...And it's not like everyone works because they love their boss...Trust me, many people, including me, work not because they love to work or like their bosses, but for the hefty paycheck. And who knows... what if he turns out to be a good boss, "Emily tried to convince me.

"And you can always kick his ass and quit the job in case he turns out to be an ass," Aiden added, making me smile.

"Alright, guys. I will definitely attend that interview. Now stop eating my head," I said in a grumpy voice.

"Now that your problem is solved let's celebrate, "Aiden and Emily cheered together.

"My problems are never ending. It's me against the world, "I gasped, thinking of the phone call I got earlier from my grandma.

"What is your problem now that you have decided to attend that job interview?"Aiden asked in frustration.

"Don't tell me it's your family again?"Emily asked angrily.

"You are right, Emily. Grandma has invited me to attend this family get-together at the Summers Mansion. And she wouldn't listen to my refusal, "I huffed.

"Gosh...your family is a pain in the behind," Aiden said in irritation.

"I feel sick even to think of being in the same place as the Summers family. But I couldn't deny grandma's request. Now I will have to face all of that family drama, "I pulled my hair in frustration.

"Come on, babes. You can face those mean bitches.You are one hell of a strong woman. Just show those rich bitches that you don't give a damn," Emily and Aiden encircled me in a group hug and rubbed my back to reassure me that I could do it.

"Well, you are right, guys...Why should I hide from them when I have done nothing wrong. I am a human being, and it's my choice to live my life the way I please, and I don't care what my "Family" thinks of me because I know myself very well than those people. So I'm going to that family gettogether...and I'm going to show them how badass I can be, "I hi-fived Aiden and Emily with a determined smile on my face.

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