Sex, Teenage Lies and Painful Crushes

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Remember when I said the party was gonna be wild, well the closer we got the more my stomach turned!

I looked out her black convertible and my mouth slightly parted, we were looking for a parking space and the most I looked the more it seemed like the house was falling!

“Jen, I think the house-” my voice trailed off as Jenna pulled the car over right in front of the house and I jumped out of the car. “Forget it; it’s not the house, its people.”

Let’s just say, it was more of a naked party then a dress up and seriously, people jumping off the balcony and landing on each other just made me want to turn right around and go straight home!

“This looks awesome!” Jenna whispered walking over towards me before tucking her car keys into her dress around her breast.

“I don’t t-think I should be here,” my voice was almost a whisper and my eyes were widening more by the minute as more naked students came running out of the house tripping up and spilling beer all over themselves.

The host is gonna be so pissed in the morning!

But being this rich, I don’t think they really care.

“Oh stop being such funny nanny and come on.” Jenna rolled her eyes before walking up onto the pavement and making her way towards the house with me trailing silently behind as people greeted her, looking her up and down.

Why am I here? Why couldn’t I just heal at home by myself?

The minute we entered inside all my thoughts were drowned out by the thumping music and the grinding bodies. The room to the left was the living room and that was full of people touching each other up and snogging and the hall wasn’t any different apart from they were dancing while getting in there.

“Imma find Fred!” Jenna yelled leaning in to me before walking and disappearing down the hall leaving me leaning against the door staring around at drunken, sexual and mad kids running around, fainting, grinding and dancing all around.

“Oh god, Oh god, Oh god!” I muttered under my breath as the heat suddenly hit.

Ok, Jenna won’t be long! Maybe two to three hours and then we’re out! I can survive that long . . .


Breathe! Breathe Nancy!

I closed my eyes for a second and taking a deep breathe I stepped forwards but before I could take another step someone had their arm tightly around mine and pulled me to the side of the living room, spinning me around so that my chest banged against theirs and my hands grasped their ripped shirt exposing the middle of their chest.

I looked up frightened almost and then just like that my heart stopped, my breathing hitched and my eyes wide.

“A-Aiden?” I whispered as my knees went weak.

His green eyes were looking intensely into my hazel ones and his shaggy light brown hair was swept slightly over his eyes as he smirked down at me, one hand wrapped around my waist holding me to him while the other continued to grasp my arm.

“Hey.” His voice was low and husky and I found my eyes fluttering, fighting to stay open.

He, he was actually touching me! Looking at me! TOUCHING ME!

Yes, this is the boy who I’ve wanted . . . the boy who belonged to my sister.

“Um . . . a-are you looking for Kylee?” I asked shuttering trying to ignore the feeling of his abs against mine.

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