2: A Weird Encounter Part 2

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The next morning I put on my school uniform. It was a brown v-neck vest, a white buttoned up short sleeved shirt, a brown shirt, white socks, and blacks shoes. I brushed my long wavy hair and put mascara on to compliment my bright green eyes.

I left my room and headed to my art class. I sat down and waited for class to start. Then, when it did, I just doodles on my sketch pad.

"Class, continuing in last time's lesson, what is the pure color called?" Mr. B. asked. "Matt?"

"A hue." A familiar voice said. I looked up wide eyed and stared at the boy. He was the one from yesterday that dropped his books on me. His blue eyes shining in the light, his brown spiked hair brushed to the side downward. He's tall and leaning on his desk as he watches the teacher. I want to stand up, but I stay sitting. I just stared at him. My breath slowed, my eyes relaxed, and I calmed down. I went back to doodling and completely ignored the rest of my day.

Then, when all my classes were over I searched for the boy. I found him in the boy's dorm hall. I grabbed his shirt from behind and made him turn around. He looked at me shocked at first, but quickly calmed down.

"W-who are you?" I stuttered.

"Matt. You?"

"I-I'm Adrianna. W-what happened yesterday?" I asked.

"You don't remember? Oh. Well, I bumped into you and dropped my book on you. By the way, is your head okay?"

"Of course my head is okay. Nothing hit my head. I-I just... I never felt the books fall on me. I couldn't talk. A-all my senses were like... shut down. I-I don't know what was going on. I-I'm so confused." I said holding my hair in my hands. I looked at his face. He looked clueless.

"Forget it. You... wouldn't understand." I gave up and started walking away.

"Adri- I mean, can I call you Adri?" He asked. I turned around and nodded with my smile gone from my face.

"D-do you want to study with me for the rest of today and talk?"

"Why? You wouldn't understand even if I told you everything."

"I can try." He said. I thought it over, then nodded. We walked together to the library. We sat at a table and got some books for history and science class.

"Do you want me to tell you every detail about yesterday?" He asked. I nodded flipping through the pages.

"Okay, um... as soon as you turned the corner, I was about to too, when we bumped into each other. I dropped my books and tried to reach for your hand, but I was only able to touch it and you fell. Then you went completely silent." He said.

"Okay... so it all started when we touched each other." I said. I stood up and took a book off the fantasy section. I picked up a book called "All About Demons". I made sure to keep the title secret, so he wouldn't get any ideas. I flipped through the pages and found a section that caught my eye. "Problems and solutions". I read through it and found one part of it that fit this situation.

"Demons who are weak can be hurt in different ways just by making contact with certain magical species. Some known symptoms is their body shutting down, they become extremely cold, or they start to have a panic attack. Species that demons must look out for are ghosts, vampires, angels, ghouls, and werewolves." I read in my mind.

"Okay, so he might be one of these five species." I thought. "But, how do I figure out?"

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

"Nothing!" I jumped closing the book. I put it back on the shelf and sat back down. I was starting to feel really hungry and thirsty, but this wasn't a normal thirst. I still needed to go on my hunt. I haven't left yet.

"Oh no." I whispered remembering.

"What's wrong?"

"What? Oh. I-I forgot that I had plans. I have to go." I said standing up. I could feel my gut telling me I was going to transform soon.

"Wait, before you go, could I get your dorm number?" He asked.

"Dorm 238." I said, then I quickly ran. I ran out the school doors and into the wall of trees outside the borders of the school. Then, I suddenly fell down next to a tree and groaned in pain.

My hard, pointed, horns came out of my head, my teeth changed sharp, my eyes darkened to a blackish green, and a black tail came out of my skirt.

"Dang it. Another school uniform ruined." I sighed looking at all the mud all over me.

I walked for a little bit and found a strong tree with a durable bag inside the hole. I took out the bag and changed into my extra clothes. A white shirt, black pants, and black tennis shoes.

"Okay. Now it's time to hunt." I said licking my lips. My hunger was even worse now. It was almost making me drool thinking about all the food I'm going to get.

When I first transformed I made sure to have anything I needed in the forest. Clothes, a food storage for emergencies, and a first aid. I'm not an amazing hunter, so I get hurt sometimes. But, every time I hunt, I get a lot stronger. I'm one of those demons that are kind of rare in some ways and common in others. My strength is rare. The more I kill, the better demon I am. If I get strong enough, then I could be touched by that boy on accident whenever and not shut down like that.

I walked around sniffing the air and finally found a scent. It's a deer. I started running and following the smell.

I don't like the thought of eating humans, so I eat animals. Their blood is just as good as human blood. But, if I'm sick, then I have to eat a human. So, when those times come, I eat off of the one's that have committed suicide at the bottom of cliffs. There's a cliff nearby too, so it's not too far.

I found the deer and quickly attacked it. Killing it swiftly instead of making it suffer.

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