Chapter Four: The Start of 2nd Year

Start from the beginning

"It must be around here someplace." Ron said, while we were looking for the train, we saw earlier.

"You, lost it!?!" I exclaimed as I looked back at Ron in anger.

"Well, it's not my bloody fault!" He yelled out, still looking for the train.

But what the trio did not realize was that behind them, through the Anglia's rear window, was the Hogwarts Express appears, closing fast.

"Stop it both of you!" Harry intervened "Wait, do you hear that?"

Ron and I stopped our bickering as we did what Harry told us, as we realized we heard something familiar behind us. Then, at precisely the same moment, Harry, Ron and I registered the direction of the sound. We glance at each other, turn as one and saw the train growing huge in the rear window.

"Aaaahhhhh!" We yelled in unison.

Ron spins the wheel, puts his foot to the gas and - at the last possible second - whips the Anglia out of the train's path. The car waffles, topples upside down briefly, before tilting onto its side. As it jets under the bridge, Harry goes sliding down across his seat, into the door, and... out.

"Harry!" Ron and I exclaimed.

He was dangling upside-down from the open door, we then saw the Hogwarts Express zip past and, in one window, we caught a glimpse of... Y/N and Hermione?

"Ron, focus on the scene in front of you!" I ordered as I moved at the front of the car.

"Harry, take my hand!" I yelled out to Harry, while I brought out my hand for him to grab.

He then gripped my hand, while he eyes the train steaming far below. It was quite the drop, but then Harry's fingers begin to lose their grip.

"Hold on!" I cried out as I did my best in holding his sweaty hand.

"I'm trying! My hand's all sweaty!" He roared desperately as he was slipping away from my grip.

Straining, Ron comes in to help and we both yanked him inside. As Harry falls heavily into his seat and the door shuts close, I held unto him tightly in a sisterly manner.

"You ok, Harry?" I asked as he nods frantically and pants heavily. I rubbed his back comfortingly, I then let go and put the seat belt on, for the both of us.

"I think we found the train." He said jokingly, which made Ron and I scoffed.


As Hogwarts castle comes into view, it was already nightfall and we sighed in relief. Ron glancing at the castle with a smile, he turns to face Harry and I.

"Welcome home, Harry." He said with a smile, which in return made me blush a bit. While Harry smiles, happy to be back at Hogwarts after such an unpleasant summer.

"Just out of interest, Ron. Have you ever landed a car before?" Harry asked worriedly

"Come of it, I started thinking the same thing." I said, realizing the predicament we were in.

"Well... no. but, until a few hours ago, I'd never taken off in one either." He answered as Harry and I looked at each other wide eyed.

"Uh oh." Ron said nervously, with a concerned look on his face.

"What- what!?!" I panicked a bit, not wanting another foul incident.

"WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!" Harry bellowed, lunging for the steering wheel, but too late —

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