The Wonderful Bouquet: Preview

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There was a sudden knock on the door – again – and it startled husband and wife. Elizabeth sighed, then muttered: "I hate that door."

William chuckled, before he yelled at the door: "we are awake!"

"My lord," the voice of his valet said from the other side of the door, "you have a message from Mr. Evans."

Both William and Elizabeth sighed. Mr. Evans was William's superior. Though he mostly worked on his own, he still needed the man, for he arranged the publishing and selling of his books. He did not often call on William, so when he did, they knew it was serious.

"I will be ready soon," he told his valet. Then he looked at Elizabeth, sadness and apology all over his face. He caressed her arms and told her: "I will make it up to you, I promise."

She planted her lips on his. "I know you will."

His smile grew, grateful for her understanding. She did understand, though she did not like it. He had just told her he would not work today, and she had waited so long to hear him say those words. And when finally something really good happened to her, it had to be taken away the minute after she received it.

But she understood. William loved his work, and he was really good at it. And because he was mostly working at home, he could eat luncheon and dinner with his family, and Elizabeth could see and touch him more than most wives could touch their husband.

After one last – long – kiss, he rolled away from her and stepped out of the bed. This was how things mostly went. They both wanted to stay in bed, but he had to go and work.


While William gathered his things for work, Elizabeth went to the children, and one by one, she woke them. She started with Francis, the oldest and the one laying nearest his parents.

He was very beautiful when he laid down so peacefully on a huge bed. He was eleven, and quite mature for his age. But he was very polite and very loving. He was five years older than his three brothers, but that was not the only difference between them.

Francis was serious when he knew he needed to be, which made him a great student. He was very smart and learning to read and write was easy. She hoped his three brothers would have it as easy as he did, but she believed he was smarter than an average boy – and his brothers.

Elizabeth softly shook her son, and called his name. With a sleepy moan, he turned to his mother and hugged her legs.

"I wish to sleep," he politely said.

She chuckled as his kindness. He had always been so kind – too kind, sometimes – and she did not know who taught him that.

"Did you sleep well?" Elizabeth asked.

He nodded, his cheek rubbing against her leg. "I had a beautiful dream." He suddenly gasped and his head shot up. "Can we visit uncle Andrew?" he asked eagerly.

"Andrew?" Elizabeth asked surprised. "Why do you want to visit my brother?"

Francis had a sweet smile on his face as he said: "I dreamed I was with Alice on our first ball, and I had to protect her from the evil men who want to marry her."

She chuckled at Francis' dream. He and Alice, Andrew and Victoria's oldest child, were very good friends. Mayhap that was because they were so close in age – only one year apart. But the most true reason was that Elizabeth and Victoria were very close friends, and William and Andrew had been best friends since they went to school together as little boys.

"I hope you were strong enough to defy them," Elizabeth told her son.

"Of course!" Francis pushed up and sat up straight while he said: "I beat them up with my bare hands. And it did not even hurt. And Alice, o she was so grateful. And now I want to tell her of my dream. She will like it."

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