Let Me Explain

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I'm not the best writer or the most frequent updating individual but when I see a series whether live action or animated I can't help but feel like they could have done things differently to entertain said audience. For example the storyline/plot getting lost, questions never answered, useful options never use, characters getting preditable over time, scenes that aren't really funny, lack of character development, and the two biggest pet peeves seeing an amazing otp that was never pursued or barely noticed and discontinuing a series that had so much potential within it's many views but sadly lacked support from marketing/advertising. I can never blame the individuals who made these shows I understand that  they worked hard to collaborate with peers to make it especially with limited budgets and connections because making content that may get hate its true dedication. Still I wished they had more time to prepare and maybe do a little better in some of these areas. So I'm gonna make a story about a pairing I have observed that could've been been slightly altered. If you ever watched Fast and Furious: Spy Racers within season 3 the pairing of Matsou and Rafaela kinda hooked me they are very much different ,but have some similarities that were overlooked which brought a lot of intrigue as they literally made the show better with their appearance even if they weren't the main characters. They sadly however part after 1 season which sadly is when the duo became jokes or bits of emotional drama during the next 3 seasons afterwards that were hinted in cameos and were often annoyed by the Torreto Crew

Matsuo X RafaelaWhere stories live. Discover now