On the way Darcy told Dawn about Alastriona's date and her run in with Pansy, Dawn was as unimpressed as Alastriona had been.

"Very exciting about the date, though. I'm glad he finally worked up the courage to ask you." Dawn said as they walked up the steep steps to the owlery, "I think it says a lot too, I mean there's always been that question of what his parents will do or say and this is him basically showing that he doesn't care."

Alastriona grinned, "That's what I was thinking too."

"Do you really think his parents would disown him?" Darcy asked, a slight tremble in her voice.

"No." Alastriona sneered with certainty, "He's their only child, he carries the Malfoy name so there's no way they'd disown him... they'd just really hate it."

Alastriona posted the letter she and Darcy had written for Uncle Fin and the three girls decided to spend the day down by the Great Lake, talking and practicing a few more advanced spells to kill the time before the announcement.

Alastriona, despite her concerns, was beginning to feel the excitement for the tournament and however much shame she felt for feeling it there was a slight hope that Cedric wouldn't be selected and yet, in her heart, she knew no one was more worthy than Cedric.

When Alastriona, Dawn and Darcy arrived in the Great Hall they noticed the goblet had been moved and now sat in front of the table right in front of where Professor Dumbledore would usually sit

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When Alastriona, Dawn and Darcy arrived in the Great Hall they noticed the goblet had been moved and now sat in front of the table right in front of where Professor Dumbledore would usually sit.

Darcy and Alastriona left Dawn with a wave and took a seat at the Hufflepuff table.

Halfway through the feast someone plopped down next to Alastriona, it was a grinning Cedric. Alastriona smiled at him, "How're you feeling, Cedric?"

He rubbed his hands together anxiously, "I'm so nervous I can't even eat."

Alastriona then did what he usually did for her, she grabbed a plate and filled it with his favourites and set it in front of him. "Eat, Ced, you've got nothing to worry about." She smiled as he took a small bite of roast chicken, "It'll be you, I just know it."

"I thought you didn't want me to enter." He teased but was smiling without nerves now and he took a larger bite of chicken.

"I didn't, but you have and I can't change that but obviously I'm going to support you all the way through."

"How come you're so confident it'll be me?" Cedric asked quietly, making sure no one overheard them.

"No one in this castle is as worthy as you are, Cedric, there's no doubt about that."

Cedric could hear the confidence in her voice and it eased the tension in his body, he could see it in her eyes too, she really did believe it would be him.
"Thank you, Alastriona." He said and quickly hugged her on the side before eating the rest of his dinner with vigour.

When everyone had finished with dinner the plates were cleared and Professor Dumbledore stood up, causing a hush to fall over the Hall.
"Well, the goblet is almost ready to make its decision, I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber where they will be receiving their first instructions."

Professor Dumbledore raised his wand and wordlessly extinguished all the candles in the Hall expect for the ones inside the floating pumpkins. The goblet now shone even more brightly in the dimness of the Great Hall.

Suddenly the flames turned red and sparks began to fly from it, a long length of flame shot upwards and a burnt piece of parchment floated from it and Professor Dumbledore caught it.
"The champion for Durmstrang, will be Victor Krum."

A loud applause broke the split second of silence that had happened after the announcement, Alastriona and Cedric clapped as well, they could hear some people yelling their cheers.
The applause stopped suddenly as the goblet's fire turned bright red once more, another piece of parchment was spat out.

"The champion for Beauxbatons," Alastriona hoped it would be Margo, "is Fleur Delacour!"
Alastriona clapped but looked for Margo, she looked upset but was cheering for her friend regardless.
When Fleur Delacour went into the same chamber Victor Krum had the Hall fell silent again.

Cedric's hand flew down and grabbed Alastriona's, he gripped it tightly and Alastriona could feel his heart beat through his hand.
The goblet's flames turned red for the last time and it shot out the final piece of parchment, Professor Dumbledore plucked it out of the air.

"The Hogwarts champion, is Cedric Diggory!"

"Yes!" Alastriona screamed and jumped up, Cedric did too and he hugged her fiercely, the entire Hall erupted into applause and every single student from Hufflepuff stood and were stamping their feet on the ground and cheering so loudly there was a ringing in Alastriona's ears.

Cedric let go of Alastriona and grinned as he made his way to the chamber the others had gone in. The applause kept on going though and Alastriona hoped that Cedric and the other champions could hear it from where they were.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore called out once he was able to be heard again. "Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real—"

Alastriona shook her head. Why was the fire from the goblet red again? Had it changed its mind? A piece of paper flew from it once more and, as a reflex, Professor Dumbledore grabbed it, he stared at that parchment and blinked and cleared his throat.

"Harry Potter."

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